Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)



I can see it now. Helicopter takes off from its mothership and immediately gets hit by HE-VT before it can even begin moving toward the enemy.

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Yeah. Effectively needs a massive upscaling in map size, where helicopters is used in anti-submarine warfare, dropping sonobuoys, depth charges and torpedoes.

I think heli with long range anti ship missile could come but those who need to come closer/drop things are a big no for WT.

Doesn’t happen much now to the similarly " speedy " catapult floatplanes.

Made this just for giggles as it seems what usually goes on when that thing is mentioned anymore lol


But they will be easy targets to ship to air missiles

Something will have gone very wrong if it turns out they’re not.

M8 look at your discord DM

So what’s the going hypothesis for the next major patch?

Japanese Sub-nation TT (saw a reddit post about how Thai weren’t guaranteed from a comment made).
Cold War Era Naval
Sweden/Chinese Navy TT
French Coastal Navy TT

Those seem like the big ticket items from what I can tell. Beyond the aforementioned missiles they spoke about.

FOX3 would have been the project that needs most effort, alongside with that probably rest of the big 7.

I’m even betting on it

before we get Cold war Naval we’ll need the best WWII naval first


In my opinion, to be quite high early fighter aircraft with active radar homing BVRAAM for germany coming to next major update

At least BVR tactic better MiG-29A (9-12A) & MiG-29G

I assume that for next major update gajin could add early domestic british fighter aircraft with ARH MRAAM (12.3 or 12.7) & early domestic chinese Multirole fighter at 12.7 BR

Unlikely they don’t even have added the full hungarian air subtree.

Will naval get severe damage mechanic just like Air? It’s so frustrating when u do more damage but someone got the last kill and u dont get kill score esp. for daily/special mission.

The only way I can see that working is if you were the first person to place the crew under 10%.

Anyone else notice that the F-20 is listed as Mach 2 capable and yet it seems like its rip speed as of right now (M 1.75 @ 11-12km ALT) was lazily copied over from the F-5E? Some pretty lazy flight model work…

I doubt the rest would be added in another big wave. More likely this is the framework that future Hungarian air additions will be placed around at the same pace as all other vehicle additions.

They should have the chance now to do subtrees for the other nations that need subtrees. I’d guess Japan is next, with either China or France after that. It wouldn’t surprise me if they just went about adding all necessary subtrees quickly, so they can get back to adding another new nation.

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For the first time, I will be fully grinding out an Su-25, as I’ve just stuck to the 39 and the 25K, but I can tell already that some massive QOL is going on with this new TV missile rework.

They were already certainly useable, but now at least the 39 (I’ll check other models later) have a high contrast TV (possibly thermal?) channel (view mode) that makes acquisition much easier. While I’m bummed that the Su-25 is not a fast moving multirole, I think the TV missile change should give the SMT some more viability.

I’m curious now about the KAB-500Kr and the GBU-8 are working, and I’ll have to check them too.