Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

It could have a full independent tree. Without any help (for ground at least).

But it also easily gets an ANZAC sub-tree which would be nice as it would give the Aussies and Kiwis and home too.


One of these things is not like the others:

More like if it’s using any parts built in America it should go to them.

Like that was the argument for more than a handful of Canadian vehicles was that they used an American camera or gear so the US has a claim to them. Despite the US having no part in them from start to finish.

Ngl at this point, I have nothing but respect for ASA players

The first fast jet in-game to get 9Ls, and now the last of a bygone era for the higher tiers (when the F-4J, Mig-23MLD, etc were the top dogs)

I would say a good chunk for air aswell

And that is?

Japanese WWII helicopter.




In most localizations( and the filename ) this torpedo is referred to as the A224 - a very advanced early 2010 's lightweight ASW type.

But in the ENG and CHN(Simpl.) versions it 's the A244 - which is some twenty years older, and in more widespread service.

Gyrocopter, not helicopter

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have you seen that RAAF sabre thread i know some American mains would just take that
it was licence built
had a Rolls Royce
and the airframe was modified to accommodate the different engine

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Air is good but a bit weak on the fighter side during WW2. but lots of bombers I have like 6 per BR in the WW2 ones. And then these the problem of most combat jets being replied the Hornet.

That ANZAC sub-tree would help a lot as air is where they are needed the most.

Tho there are some more unconventional crafts I want:



Canadair CP-107 Argus - Wikipedia



Lockheed CP-140 Aurora - Wikipedia

And honourable mention something unique:



We managed to confirm a Vietnam War era gatlling gun on it.
Canadair CL-84 "Dynavert" - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
Canadair CL-84 Dynavert - Wikipedia

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I haven’t seen it since had like 3 posts at most. I’ll go take a look.

no one was moaning yet but i bet i will happen as it always does

I still think the Avro Arrow would be a really wierd but awesome aircraft to have. Especially as I guess it would be on the slightly lower end of the BR

It’s pegged at 9.0 (Mk 1) and 9.3 (Mk 2) on my tree respectfully.

Tho I was using the post to point out some modern stuff I think is cool even if it’s not good.
Tho I still think the CP-140 would be a modern BR PE-8 with its loadout.

“interceptor line”


Screenshot 2024-01-22 155614


I’m still waiting for my jet powered B-26 marauder…
For the US mains under us, it’s French.



I say that make all the differences really to make it own aircraft but yea we should have that not the US.


Probably just a typo

You’re saying that because summer update won’t get discounted Nov/Dec? Would make sense, yeah.


As far as I know, there isn’t an update between the Spring and Summer one and they didn’t add pre-order packs last update so if we were getting a new nation(independent tree) here soon they’d announce it in the next update and add it in the one after.

What does the last two updates of the year have to do with a new tree in the first half?

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