Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Don’t worry, he loves generalizing nations that use Soviet derivative or similar equipment using countries

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Here’s with distortion removed:

Still looks like it is a thin tank. kinda tall too. but it is better than before.

so, the chinese guy leak anything yet?


I still hate it, but it’s better than before.

Now ingame you won’t get killed by APFSDS through the turret roof.

Nothing wrong, Italy is a communist nation XD


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Also it has new composite farnham armor.

Gajin: Hmmm looks like 10mm reinforced steel


10mm of aluminium you mean


more like wet paper.

More like air.


There is also the LE ORLA, a subchaser and a pretty good one. I mean, OTO-melera 76mm is like the standard of post-war(high tier) western gunboats, and it even got something on top of that.

I already brought that up. However, it is indeed a good one and has been a big help with my costal grind.

Yeah, it isnt as good as the SKR-7 but its matchmaker is also decently friendly. There are also some Irish vehicle skins but they are custom, I am using the one you showed on my churchil VII. I think a long time ago they even did an event to get the IAC roundel for free but I think I doesnt even know whats a warthunder back then.

BTW I thought of a great Irish vehicle to add:


Dont let the outside fool you

Headless Coachman would be cool to see as a British addition, perhaps as a mid tier squadron vehicle?

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I demand rudi as well.


Anyone know when we can see the BR changes go live?

They usually do two Br changes so wait for the revised one

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The MiG-29G can’t get them. It doesn’t have the radar necessary.

thats a nice looking euro fighter i must say.


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