Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

would rather Canada as the sub tree instead but we get what we get


That would be more advanced then early cf18s

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I’d rather a light tank line over any sub-tree for UK

Will probably be the SHar. His turn of phrase was (as always) deliberately ambiguous.

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I just want an top tier IFV ajax deserts warrior scimitar scorpion even a CTAS Bradley ( a Bradley that was used to test what would become the ajax turret i believe)

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I know that feeling, top light stop at 8.7, outside premium, for France :(

IFVs stop at 8.3 for us as well

You have a 8.7 and a 9.0 light, you are slightly in better shape :p

Both our nations could receive one or 2 full lines of light, from reserve to top tier ^^

i said IFV

I know, and i was talking about light, i usually put IFV inside, as light and IFV are more support vehicle, outside the usual MBTs.

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It has a lower T/W and its slower owing to its straight wing, but it has exceptional AOA, turning performance, doesn’t rate as well as an F-16 or a Eurofighter when trialled but I believe that was the SuperHornet, the legacy is lighter but still doesn’t rate as well IIRC.

I’m not sure how it compares to the F-15 in a dogfight but its T/W is definitely less and I think it’s AOA is more.

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most likely super hornet as it adopted 1999 i think but i’ve heard the legacy has better flight performance slightly

It probably should do as it’s lighter. Whilst the SuperHornet got larger LERX and flight control surfaces, it also had stealth features added etc but that all leads to a much higher weight on what is already a carrier-based aircraft making it doubly heavy and it retained the same comparatively ‘weak’ engine (no its not weak but for such a heavy aircraft).

Who knows, maybe Gaijin have insiders at Denel/ATLAS and have decided the UK will get the prototype of the ATLAS Carver.

You mean it might be lightweight Multirole fighter aircraft from USN/USMC ?

Currently USA tech tree none new attack aircraft toptier 11.3 or 11.7 BR at rank 8 similar to Harrier GR.7

I look forward IFV with fire & forgot ATGM at rank 7 from Israel & british

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You guess gajin could add another strike aircraft 12.0 BR new Mirage 2000D better Mirage 2000D-R1 this year ?


Mirage 2000D RMV

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They quickly pasted them well, it’s not like it was some hack job. Leo 2 and variants/derivatives are suddenly the best tanks in the game unless you have a 3BM60 to be on equal footing with them.

We could talk about the rest of the issues, but they’re well beaten up, and I don’t know why Gaijin does most of what it does. What I can say is that to suggest a conspiracy is rude. It implies the developers are intentionally, maliciously, setting the game up to function a specific way, when in fact the opposite is the case. When you assume the actions of others, especially in spite of their explicitly worded statements, you end up looking like an a$$.

I understand you are emotionally invested on some level into this game, I know I am, but that doesn’t excuse conspiracy making. Don’t assign to malice what you can assign to something else like inability or incompetence (I don’t think Gaijin is incompetent, but I’m speaking generally).

The conspiracies really are tiring because those of us who enjoy playing the USSR and advocate for more weapons/vehicles/etc. for it get some of the backlash as well. Have you played USSR? Or are your perceptions of it based on your experiences playing against it? It’s not as OP as you think.


Waiting for Israeli “auxiliary vehicles”. Like, at all…

Vehicles for current ranks


And this is ignoring their rank I-III potential for ground forces, but since we don’t have that all I can do is cry

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