Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

AV-8B+ on the left wasn’t capable of using 8 missile pylons. It was made purely as advertisement to attract export users. Normal service AV-8B+ has only 6 missile pylons.


Ah… That makes more sense

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Im not Im just re reading what gaijin said hehe

FA.2 should be able to carry twin AIM-9 pylons from FRS.1 so potentially 6 missiles (x2 AIM-120B + x4 AIM-9M) but no guns and only 60 internal CMs

I am not grinding that.

Also AV-8B+ most likely can’t mount AIM-120 on its outer pylons so max capability would be four AIM-120B + two AIM-9M (or just six AIM-9Ms)


Yep, though I reckon personally I would run 1x Twin mount and 1x BOL. So 3x AIm-9M and 2x AMRAAM. Though if the AMRAAM prove decent and im rarely if ever using 9M (in SB) maybe 4x AMRAAM or 2x BOL (and 2x Aim-9M) and 2x AMRAAM. Just for that extra CM count


The 30mm ADEN Gun pods on the belly can be swapped out for the main AMRAAM mount points (like the Gr7 gunpods)




F-102 and F-106?

It is about time after all.


so would that increase it to 6 missiles total? with 4 wing pylons and 2 belly pylons?

Sea Harrier FA2 has 4x AAM hard points. 1 on each wing and 2 on the belly. the Wing mounts could run either twin Aim-9M or Single Aim-9M with a BOL rail or a single AMRAAM with a BOL rail.

The belly mounts would be 30mm ADEN Gunpods or AMRAAM

Whilst the FA2 (like the FRS1) does have 2 hard points per wing, the other hard point is used for bombs, rockets or the fuel tanks, it isnt wired for AAMs. (though the FA2 was apparently cleared for Sea Eagle (ASMs) and those would be located on those mounts, that could be kinda interesting)

So max AAM loadout for the FA2 would be 4x Aim-9M and 2x AMRAAM.


Actually, since the confirmation that AMRAAM + BOL on the wing mounts for the FA2. Maybe the better loadout would be Twin Aim-9M on one wing. AMRAAM + BOL on the other and then AMRAAM on the belly.

2x Aim-9M
1x BOL

Might be the best compromise of loadout options and shouldnt cause any major issues withwise to weight.


Sub soinic fox 3 plane vs f15 lets go
We will defeat them all (we will die the unless its a American F15)

Anything like my encounters in the F3, they will just J out when they see AMRAAM coming

The Tor goes to sea!

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Yeah, Gaijin complains about AIM-4’s not being good which is why they don’t wanna add them but in reality they’d be better than the R-3S/R missiles. F-106 also being more maneuverable than a MiG-21 due to it’s T-tanks and would have a better radar. Actually, the version with a gun and 4x AIM-4 would basically be similar to the MiG-21S premium and we have that so why no F-102/6?


same reason, everyone plays top and gaijin focus on top br, most people see a update dev full of thing liks F-106 and SU-15 would say it’s a trash update.


There needs to be a balance. Unfortunately Gaijin never achieve that balance.

They need to add these older aircraft to nations doing fine at top tier, and add top tier to nations that aren’t.

For example the Sea Harrier FRS1e for Britain felt like a kick in the teeth for Britain because we were still stuck with 11.3s and 3 nations were getting 12.3s in that update.

There is nothing “wrong” with that aircraft (if you ignore the fact it should have either come with the FRS1 in December, or we should have just gotten the FRS1 on the TT in December)

That’s where they fail. Those aircraft for the US, would be absolutely fine in the next major update (assuming no AMRAAM) because the US has 2 very viable top tier aircraft and many just below top tier.

On the other hand, if Italy got some low tier aircraft, they’d feel like they just got kicked in the face.

Now we have the Gripen for Britain, i’d be more than happy with some solid lower tier additions (assuming no AMRAAM) in the next major update. I desperately want aircraft like the Buc S2B or Jaguar Gr3A, but there are many many great additions they could add that no one would complain about.

The same could probably be said for all nations currently except Italy.


New top tier stuff is always cool but they really need to expand more at the early-mid jet brs.

Like they can still add a proper interceptor line to both the US and Russia, there is no shortage of attackers/trainers for multiple nations and that’s not even going into specific planes which could be a post all its own.

And thing is, gaijin can certainly add new shiny things at top tier while also expanding the early-mid jet lines.
It’s the fact that they do it so rarely or just straight up choose not to that annoys me…

I reckon we’ll get a “trainer” update at some point this year. Something like the Hawk would be really fun and they could add one to several different BRs and plug some of our holes