Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

The maps? Most maps are cqb here, of course you can use cover, but its not always possible with this maps, you can’t snipe that easily as well, because you do not have thermals, neither you can go hull down, because your turret protection is somewhat betwen 400mm for the turret and most shell at 10.0 penetrate it

i swear the turret protection is strong enough to stop every shell it could face at 10.0, and Thermals are not required for good sniping id argue a LRF is more integral to sniping than thermals are.

The T-72M1s turret has saved me plenty of times in full uptiers, so yeah, I can’t imagine this one being bad.

Turret protection is 400mm


so your ignoring this part? and how that is a basically just the breach area + a bit more in terms of weakspots

How is that going to matter? Also its not the breach area, its outside of it. DM23 from 2A4 would pen it, L23 from Challengers and so on, in fact the only nation screwed in this case would be USA because they have round that does not penetrate more than 380mm. This tank will be oppressive in downtiers yes, but at 10.0/10.3 it will be ok, and in uptiers it will be completly useless, as it should be, so in fact the only problem is that lower br tanks would suffer against it, which i agree with and should be done something about it.

I had a sweaty (I can get sweaty in CAS too) gazelle player with good aim think he had sprung up on a T-80U. No sir. This here is a T-80UM2. Ate all 4 of his remaining HOT’s and then sent him back to the hangar. Lol.


i want this(daydream time)

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292 is live on .96

now lets see how many nato nerds find out its bad

do you have the link to view it?


Just gives me a “Error: Not logged in user” so oh well

…log into wiki

Protection map with L26 (one of the best rounds at 10.3)

Which honestly this is just normal T80 protection.
what you guys were waffling on about “ooooh its gonna get penned by everything at its BR” makes 0 sense.


disable camera vertical angle and show the left side


Yeah this is just normal protection for a T80, this is still pretty good for say 10.3 or 10.7. nevermind 10.0


“pretty good”
>whole side is green

yeah? thats how tanks are at top tier when being shot with high end APFSDS?


didnt you know that the T80BV(after 1985) is use same hull as T80U in game? thats why it has a 1250HP engine