Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

It’s more like a hybrid of bunker buster and Multipurpose round

Al Khalid 1 uses the same engine as MBT-2000 and Al Khalid 2 has a 1500 HP engine if I’m not mistaken and Pakistan doesn’t use their own domestic version of those engines. They only use their locally made FCS,ERA and Main gun for the Al Khalid.

Pakistan is promoting its military industry development by producing Chinese equipment domestically. Considering that it is currently in its early stages, it is not a problem to refer to Al Khalid as a variant of MBT-2000. Al Khalid, Al Zarar, Hyder, and JF-17 are all, currently Pakistan does not have enough capability to complete significant design changes.

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I definitely disagree. The Al Khalid is more or less to Pakistan what the T-90 Bishma is to India. While it’s not an exact copy, the design of the MBT-2000, or rather the Type 90MII tank came first in China, and China later worked with Pakistan to help make sure that the version of the tank they would produce in house would be tailored to there needs, but at the end of the day, all of the key elements of the tank came from china, or were developed with Chinese assistance. Im not saying that to dismiss what the Pakistan’s were able to accomplish by producing a decent MBT with there own industry, but it’s still at the end of the day an offshoot of the MBT-2000.

Ontop of that, there are still other variants of the MBT-2000, with most differences revolving around the internal running gear. It’s not obvious what versions countries like Bangladesh and Morocco use, as China overtime replaced certain foreign components with domestic Chinese ones

Im afraid Al Khalid 2 doesn’t actually exist yet, as you cant find a single picture of it anywhere, and there dosnt seem to be any official source for it’s exact specifications. While it may have a 1500 hp engine, we will have to wait and see when the tank is actually ready to be revealed, and for that reason, we probably won’t see it in war thunder anytime soon.

I actually forgot that Al Khalid 2 was cancelled. The project is know merged with the Al Haider(VT-4) project.

Still there is not enough evidence for those variants. It’s better to stick with the current variant.
We can’t really add stuff from the Al Khalid to MBT-2000. Al Khalid should come as a separate vehicle.

I agree, it can and should come as a separate vehicle. Hopefully someday when Pakistan gets added, I’m sure it would be one of the tanks that’s part of the sub tree, although I would personally prefer something like the T-80UD with Ukrainan modifications given to Pakistan, as that would be a more unique vehicle in my eyes

Yeah T-80UD would be nice

Never in WT

You can always put that camo on an Su-30 if you really want to.

ukrainian camo on su-30

abrahams reload buff rof 10->12 lol

5s aced

oh wow even faster than leclerc (´。_。`)
can’t wait for the next update when it will be the same as type 90/10


they buffing ROF, in hopes of avoiding the need to buff the armor lol, doubt it will end well

well it’s just as bad news for me though. i can’t barely played staring contest againts USSR, now US just as bad.

It’s nice, but it doesn’t fix the armour issue.

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Su-30 is based on Su-27UB(Учебно-боевой, training fighter), and Ukraine have 10-15 of them.

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6.7 second reload for the VT-4 when?

isn’t that 500 mm of reinforced concrete rather than RHA?