Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Filter the leaderboard for the month any way you like. Check their vehicle stats.

I’m pointing out that it’s not difficult to find highly skilled players singing the praises of tanks like T20 and so on. Either in their media content or just stats. I infer that there’s a good reason skilled players as a group tend to consistently (ab)use certain vehicles and get ridiculously high stats with them.

The average player will look at tanks like you listed and decide “low pen for their BR = bad vehicle = skip”.

This leaves said vehicles with a lot of experienced players.

Same with france. Not a lot of people make it past their low tiers and so that leaves experienced players.

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That brings hope the Ja37D might not go over 11.7, considering the F14A is there. Especially if it only gets 2. Not sure how many it’ll get and how many people will be pissed off it goes against mig 23’s in sim.

I hope so too, but also consider that if we get fox 3’s, we might also get 13.0, which could mean new sim BR brackets

12.7 now but yeah

To be honest, I think of the “average player” more like a collector than a powergamer. I think people pick a nation because they want a certain vehicle(s) that they are a fan of for whatever reason, usually unrelated to the game.

I suppose sensible players with some money will buy a rank 7 premium to get to whichever vehicles they like, because the grind is that unbearable, compared to parting with a few hours wages (depending on the nation and social class).

It’s not as insufferable a grind as Britain, but still less players play France. I’d say it’s down to national mythos. I don’t think France is as immortalised in the tank-building fandom as the many of the others.

But most certainly, skilled players (at least the ones I’ve talked to) are keenly aware that France 7.7 is insanely cracked and easy to farm kills since the vehicles are just busted.

My point is if we use the leaderboard as an indicator of what vehicles statfarmers and meta/power gamers like to (ab)use, the answer is stuff like 76 jumbo, T20, Somua SM and other french autoloaders.

There are of course.

People driven mad by the game.

Whom I can never understand.

But sometimes players like these can tell you something very useful about the state of the game, why Gaijin does what it does.

A highly skilled player, filtered to Rank 8 and Army

Gib aim120

This very much, hell I would probably fall into this category. Abramses, F-16s and F-15s are my favorite vehicles in game purely because I like how they look.

Of course maining a single nation is boring too imo so I did end up grinding 4 other ground trees to 11.7 and every other one at least to rank IV.

It is true that these are also good vehicles. However there are also serious flaws in this way of operating.

Tanks like the Ariete AMV and Merkava Mk.4M are considerably worse and less fun to play than most other 11.7 MBTs, but because good players still perform well in them they will stay at the same BR.

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I mean full stab, good mobility, amazing gun handling and prob good rof and apds. It really doesn’t sound like 7.0


Yeah I corrected myself to 7.3, because I kind of forgot about the last “decompression” and that the T92 is now 7.0.

7.3 is fine. The Ru 251 beats it in mobility and firepower while M551(76) has a stab and faster turret rotation.

ig yeah

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Even newer sim brackets? You didn’t see the rotation change and addition of EC10 in the br change anouncement?
Aim54A can go in a EC9 (out of 10) already so thonk Aim120’s will just go in EC10, with maybe some 3rd gen carrying a small number of them in EC9. Might be the hopium talking for me…

Gaijin also at one point thought that adding R-73s without AIM-9Ms was a good idea, so don’t get your hopes up.


Lol, true. Wonder what they were on to think that was a good idea.

A large part of it is how to “play properly.”

The good players (purple on thunderskill) that I know tell me this:

“War Thunder is 90% picking a good lineup and 10% map knowledge.”

So in other words, tanks like Ariete AMV and Merkava have a place.

AMV and Merkava are tricky to use for a normal player, but to a high skilled player they have the tools necessary. They’re no 122B+ which is the premiere tank from the designated handholding tree, the stormaktstiden.

In any case we can see Gaijin still, in part, caters to the lowest common denominator (F-15 not going up in preliminary BR changes despite being definitely 12.7 worthy according to duellists.)


Sea Harrier FA.2 in the same sim bracket as F-16C because both carry AIM-120


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Probably one of the best battlepasses since forever.

But it got no HMD waah waah

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You don’t say…

Decades of Hollywood propaganda, movies/games/internet meme that comes from anglo world that shit on our history constently don’t help at all…

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