Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

@AWACS Ghost Eye Here someone who wants the typhoon

In 2025 confirmed probably

I’d also be content to just see various buffs and fixes for the stuff we’ve already got.

  • BOL overhaul
  • SHars finished
  • Tornado IDSs finished
  • Harrier Gr7 TLC

And that’s just air. Would quite happily take those over any new aircraft this December. Especially a C&P. But yeah. Typhoon any day now…

What tlc?

Tender loving care.

For the harrier Gr7 that’s things like the MAWS being finished, TIALD to gen 2 or replaced with sniper. Missing loadout options like AGM-65 on outer pylons and ePaveways

E…A… Sports

You mean the Employee Assistance Programme

Could even be Emergency Alert System(p)

iirc, CA-95 uses different missiles aside from Strela, but it could also just be the local name for Strela, idk tho.

However, the game claims to be realistic and also has a simulator mode…

It would be much healthier to have a MM that is more in line with reality… so much realism in the details of the vehicles, but those vehicles were designed for a real scenario against vehicles of the “opposing” side whose military doctrine is literally opposite in terms of development 🤷🏻‍♂️

the idea of a “nation” becomes meaningless when you have Taiwanese and PLA vehicles in the same lineup. What’s the point? It would have been better to create tech trees without national identity, because it’s not working. Until the WWII era, it was easy to keep the TT’s national identity. After that, everything gets contaminated (for purely historical reasons), and the trees stop being “tech trees of X nation” and become “tech trees of X nation’s army”. It makes the game much less attractive than when we only had up to rank V…

Don’t start this (beeeeeeeeeeeep) again, you know why Taiwanese and the PLA are both in the same tree.

Maybe they should add the Super Tiger then

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Super tiger?

Grumman Super Tiger. Think F-11F but faster and with 2 more missiles
Japan ordered 100 + spares
Never got them because Lockheed bribed the government super hard to switch to the F-104, like to a ridiculous degree
like the papers were signed and money was being sent and Lockheed was still able to bribe so hard that the Grumman order was cancelled


peak gameplay


Ah yes the EA… grass

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I cant wait for the CF-188 Prem pack plane rank 8 , 13.3/13.7 (depends if 14.0 is out) because as a canadian i know i have to buy all my vehicles verse grind them out. And garenteed its in US tech tree because theres no way canada will ever get a self country line up. In one tech tree. (Insert 2a4m germany argument here)(Us plane argument here)(british gets australian hornet probably here)

It would make more since for the US to get the Australian one than the CF-18 as it’s a little more unique


also the Australian one is literally just US export, CF-18 is at least partially made in Canada though the design is still completely american

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