Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

why did i receive golden eagles?

Probably a mod you purhcased with GE got removed and so you got refunded. I think they were removing NVG mods?

NVD mods on aircraft got removed and made stock, any SL or GE spent got refunded

“Viper Mk. 633-41 (Armstrong Siddeley / Turbomechanica / Orao)
I recently teased the I.A.R.93 B on the Italian WT research discord for either this, or the next update. I didn’t mean to blueball them so hard, but unfortunately the most that got ready in time for the update was its (and the J-22B’s) engine model text. Both aircraft are made by the wonderfu”

Wait so we could get the J-22 too : 0


My guess new loadouts for aircraft rank 7 ~ 8

  • The early standoff missile for USA and Israel
  • Another domestic USA & Israel guided Air-to-Ground munitions
  • Another new generation targeting pod. such as Litening AT Blk 0 & Blk 2, Litening G4, TALIOS, Sniper XR and Sniper ATP-SE

At present, JAS39 Gripen C from RTAF probably MS18 standard and early batch

But better JAS39C EBS HU

My hopes for December:

F-2 Viper,
Koolhoven FK.55,51,
Fokker D.XXI, D.XXIII, T.V,
OTO Melara 155 mm,
SPAA for Italy, Israël, Japan, France, Germany, US, China, Sweden, GB with 12km+ range (preferably 20km+),
More Norwegian stuff for Sweden air,
Japanese sub-TT,
French, Dutch, Belgium IFV’s for France TT,
IFV’s for China and Israël,
Multi-Role aircraft for EVERY nation that is equivalant to the F-18 (EVERY NATION CAN HAVE ONE, EG, Singapore, Australia, Chile, Turkey, Norway).


I thought you were against C&P now you wanting it ?

Make your mind up please

If we can get ASEAN and the F2 in the same update my whole existence is fullfilled (but its Japan we’re talking about thatd never happen lol)


A Gripen C now as “equivalent” to F-18s and whatever else Gaijin might throw out would be pretty sad. It’s either a Malaysian F/A-18D or (hopefully) the F-2A

Most likely the F/A-18 easy C&P as I say the F-2 would most likely come either with the Typhoons or after.

sad? in what metric? To my knowledge it’d be far better than any f18 we could receive

Why do you guys think malaysia has any relationship to Japan from gaijins perspective?Theyve only said (somewhat ambiguously) thai to japan. ASEAN to Japan seems to be a player headcannon, for better or for worse.

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Hello, this would help Japan ?

(Not mine)


Please some new and interesting top tier MBTs is all I want for the next update. I won’t even be too demanding, just one is all I need.

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Depends on the missiles it gets honestly. Thailand would be able to get AIM-120C-5/7 and IRIS-T with the Gripen, but considering thy aren’t in game it would most likely be either the same as the current Gripen C or maybe get AIM-120C-5 if that is introduced with other aircraft too.

It’s not a bad aircraft and I probably did underestimate it a bit, but it would still be carrying 4 AMRAAMs against F/A-18s with 10.

I didnt say it would not help. Just what evidence for anything outside of Thailand is there?

G’99 leaked list

The leaks said china.

I dont like it, but that is where the evidence is.

Not that one