Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

na more like Swedish T-80U, Apache and Mi28

I had a hunch that in the future 8 fighter aircraft move to rank 9 and decompressed max BR higher 13.7

P-16 still is a thing

and? the uk has the strike master, New Zealand isnt a sub tree

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That’s because the Strike Master had origins in the UK, it’s like the Iranian F-14

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or the M113 ADATS

Canada and western Commonwealth have a different rule, if the US doesn’t need it and there been a UK equivalent that has been cancelled or a hole that needs filling. It will go to the UK.

If these specifications are not met then they would go to the US or it’s place of origin
Hence why we see an Australian Abrams as a squadron for the US and the Canadian Leo as a 11.3 pack.

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So uh whats everyones bet to when the December blogs start, 2 weeks?

My save bet’s are either at the end of next week or early the week after

Also the reason the update was a bit late was 100 percent the ray tracing implementation right?

That’s the rumor and wouldn’t be surprising too since most additions were mainly C&P.

Probs the reason tbh, Ray Tracing seems to be a large thing they’d need to modify the back end of War Thunder for, Dont want it breaking settings or graphics no?

Also uh whats the safe bet for the main thing for next patch, sub tree ?

Here’s an example, the US has the LAV-AD, so Britain could hypothetically get the MMEV (Multi-Mission Effects Vehicle), which is the ADATS system mounted on a Canadian LAV-III.

Also just going off of the Skink and the CANADATS that Britain already has, what’s the logic to not add it?

(I’m not wish-listing, please spare me Mods, I’m just trying to continue the conversation)

It also just genuinely looks cool :p


What for end of line? Why when there are home grown and South African equivalents that can be gone through without needing to use commonwealth…

South Africa is still Commonwealth, India is also Commonwealth (and Gaijin stated that India is an official Subtree for Britain).

So Canada being Commonwealth isn’t any different compared to SA and India.

Canada, India, and South Africa are all in the same boat for Commonwealth

It should go after the CAN ADATS anyways as it was it’s direct replacement.

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Yeh but the difference is that canada isn’t directly a sub tree for Britain… gaijin said it can go anywhere yet SA directly is a sub tree and can only go here

Reject LAV ADATS, embrace AVGP LML blowpipe


Reject LAV, embrace G6 HVM