With some hopes and dreams
some might say that when he sees an E*P post, he becomes an
Good plane but almost impossible to place in BR.
Unless they give it flares like the F-5 A/C for balance reasons.
That’s what I’m hoping and it can be placed at 11.7. It would be a fantastic plane if it had flares.
Gosh, probably any naval aircraft tbh. F18, F14D, J15, Mig29K, etc probably! Good with anything in that vane.
I see this only being a squaddy, event or premium I only see a commonwealth Hornet being tt
11.7 would be a bit questionable if we are talking about air battles. The shamesher has a worse airframe but fully digitalized RWR at 11.3.
I wasn’t talking about an Indian one but that could work too lmao))
I mean it would be strange to not have it lol
It would be like the SPAA think again
I only see an iai lavi here
I’m just the tech guy, I ain’t saying what it is. Don’t wanna get banned
Yeah, upon closer examination its aerodynamics resemble a secret j-10 twin engine design, not something European.
Gotta respect that aspect ratio I guess tho. First try
what are you on about
AGM 65G was added with the integration of MS20 with its expanded CAS options. SAAF doesnt operate MS20, they use MS19, so with that same logic any F16 should receive whatever block upgrade since theybare the same letter and blocks mean nothing apparently to gaijin.
If you can find evidence of AGM 65G being used before MS20 be my guest but only early AGM 65 B and A were available for the MS19
legend has it, if you say its name 3 times after dark, you summon the Great god Smin himself
My guess list of 4th gen fighter aircraft for navy
- J-11BH (PLANAF) (J-11B Block 2 standard)
- F/A-18A+ (USMC)
- MiG-29K (9-31)
- F-14D (R)
- MiG-29K (9-41) (IN)
- F/A-18C+ (USMC)
Brilliant models for sure, which one next are you hoping to finish off ?