Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Short term, no, long term, might be.

Yeah, long time definitely but currently? HELL nah.

It would set off the more advanced ERA (like Kontact-5, Kaktus, and Relikt) before the actuall DU penetrator makes contact along with having a higher muzzle velocity than M829A2

Yeah. Sweden and Germany are at the bottom of the list when it comes to needing MBT buffs for GRB at the moment.

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How about this one?


They do have them they are inside of the actual composite structure which (iirc the Sep onwards) is still classified by the DoD

At least I think its classified which is why I dont post any sources I have on the Abrams because I dont want any problems while I still work for the DoD

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It’s not about nececsity, it’s about War Thunder sticking to its principles and premise of being a game that accurately depicts vehicles instead of artificially manipulating vehicles to alter their capabilities or performance.

Balance should be done through counterparts and through BRs; not via arbitrary capability manipulations.

from tankograd
its basicaly the leopard bible and accepted for any other report as one of the most reliable sources.
gajin is just hard stuck on their swedish armor trials which are over 30 years old

Well, i kind of didn’t want to get into this topic, but i personally believe Abrams probably has some kind of spall protection and i definitely agree with Brandon Fero.

But you know what gaijin has said, they need to physically see them which in Abrams you can’t.


well yeah thats why we are mainly asking for A2G buffs, but we wouldnt complain about another top tier mbt, but thats solely cause of the “sweden envy” and them literaly being the better leopard tree and better german top tier

We may finally see it this update, since we still don’t know the TT American ground vehicle

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Yep, and I think thats fair. But gunna be intersting to see what they do for German CAS.

Will they keep all 3 Typhoons fairly equal in terms of loadout, or vary them greatly with RAF A2A only and the others multirole?

sucks for UK, but i certainly wouldnt complain
would be nice for italy and germany
Uk has goodish CAS alreaedy, well so does italy…

the bigger problem that will make it unfair is that block 5 brings hmd as well.
UK would lack HMD in its first typhoon compared to italy and germany

I’m actually starting to think US won’t get any

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hey US can do withan update where they arent the star at all and dont get any goodies, when they nearly always get the spotlight in air

Wouldnt be the first time they added HMD. Look at the F-15A or Gripen A

So Im not worried about that. It does explain why we and we alone got the Upgraded tornado but… I do hope we see some buffs for both the GR4 and GR7 if that is the case, both could use it

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But for ground?

I agree that we already got enough air stuff so it’s time to get some ground stuff too

does it change US always had a spotlight?

The US hasnt had a spotlight in ground since Black Shark and even then it was overshadowed by the KA-50