Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)


Are you sure you meant “AM” and not “PM”

whats cursed about it? What would it offer?

Google is a powerful tool. I am going to sleep. I will dream of Su-30SM’s.

Dont forget MiGs! Would love to see MiG-29K or KUB (purely because of the name, khehe, кубик), 29M (9-15) and, ofc, 35 (not any time soon, naturally, but some day)

I remember when the FGR2 was the dominant plane in air RB, I could run it gunless and clean house because fast and a few other things too.

Good times

It never did.

Withing five hours is a definite possibility. Do not give up hope!

Nothing for Japan? That means you are speaking the truth


Real. In all seriousness though we need the F-2 pretty badly


where dovbleg gaji n!!1.!!.

About 3 more hours maybe 4 if it’s late

Can’t wait to see almost zero ground stuff getting added again





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There have been plenty of vodlbeg seasons that started on Tuesday, so it makes sense for it to be today, especially if the teaser is coming on Thursday.

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We dont know it. I will be positively surprised if it comes today, but i have a feeling it wont.

Has to be today unless they make devblog season and devserver comically short to make release before christmas

Iet’s see if anything will happen within 2 hours.

8 hours…