Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

that phantom isn’t agile enough to notch so I tend to go low

I’ve tried both tho

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Im not too sure about that, itd make the addition of the 77-1 redundant, the 77-1 in WT would likely be very similar to AMRAAM

Well im working on the ICE now so ill be able to get back to you but im not too sure

All of my AMRAAM platforms can comfortably launch at 30km easily and 45km if im cocky enough with good parameters

Not really. Again the AMRAAM sacrifices a lot for the sake of range. The R-77 is the opposite of that, sacrificing range for maneuverability.

The R-77-1 should have similar range to the AIM-120A/B (at least from what we’ve seen in game) but still have that good maneuverability.

That’s my fear exactly. I’m speaking from ignorance here, but iirc, the A’s and B’s and even the first C’s weren’t supposed to be that great. I thought everyone was expecting C5’s to come with the first gen R-77’s as they were roughly equivalent. All this time I basically figured 77-1 was perhaps even a hair better than everything but the C5, and only marginally.

The experience in game has been really shocking for me, and I really miss the golden days of BVR’ing dudes from 60-80km with my R-27ER’s. I’m tired of this rat-tier gameplay.


But it will be low rank premium fishing control boat

Which imo is still fine, the AMRAAM and R-77 dont have toooooo too much of different manuverability but ofc the 77 is better

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North Korean fishing boat with hidden torpedoes and 20mm HS, and you can’t identify it or shoot it until it fires first.

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Me and my friends have resorted to willingly taking more ERs then 77s

no no no you misheard or misremembered there

the C5 AMRAAM is equivalent to some domestic Chinese missile that could’ve come too that’s why we expected them

but that would’ve always come together with R-77-1

I kinda miss it as someone who played the F-15A back then too. My only complaint was that the US lacked the AIM-7MH and AIM-7P. I know for sure the AIM-7P had DL, which would have allowed it to do R-27ER things.

Of course the AIM-7MH/P were kinematically the same as the AIM-7F/M (although they did have lofting, which might have helped a bit), but if they had DL they would have been fine against R-27ERs. The ability to reacquire locks was what made the R-27ER so potent imo.

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Ill add I think 120A/B but better launching platform evens out for worse platforms but slightly better missles

the option to mix them is probably the only thing rhat makes modern russian jets interesting for me

I’m technically just one Su-24 away from the Big duck plane so maybe I’ll grind it eventually

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I take ET’s instead of 73’s because I know there’s a US main waiting for me to surprise him, and I like the ability to go OH SH*T, and fire everything with some ass off quick.

The 77’s are great in the mid envelope with ACM as I don’t have time to sit there like bait for a SPAMRAAM headed my way. I may swap two R-77’s out for two ER’s depending on how the vibe goes from here, but I am in my Utka Era for sure now.

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I mostly only wanted the Su-34 because Canard Flanker tbh

Don’t get me wrong. I know the ER was OP at certain times in certain phases, but SARH’s made BVR just inaccessible enough to the unwashed masses that BVR’ing was still a gentleman’s sport.

Now the VARK VARK VARK equivalent of BVR is SPAMRAAMing and it’s just made a mess of the place. Lmao.


Its also quite funny watching people try to chaff IR missles now, all of my PL-8 kills are like that

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Su-33 and Su-30SM



Yeahhh I kinda figured the 15E would be busted, im just glad it doesnt have its 12 AMRAAMS

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Do the early Su-30s have ARHM capability with no TVC?