Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

it depends. If Typhoon F2 gets added in a Historically accurate manner, then it might be quiet for an update or 2. If it gets added in a woeful state. Then it wont be.

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Noooooo not the song worms

Nah, it’ll stay on until Gaijin budges and turns India into its own, independent thing

Lets be real. It never is no matter what.


Just like work, but swap out the Dead or alive for Mariah Carey and a even greater desire to commit some mild arson

I think Mariah Carey’s All I want for Christmas would be more with the season. On loop… with no mute.

It won’t help from the Anti British mob hating on Britain because a person somewhere ask for something.

If Typhoon does come, the R&R will just be US and Soviet mains begging for F-22 and Su-57s for the next year.

Though I do think Britain does have valid reason to be annoyed given the half finished states of most of our top tier vehicles (air and ground)

There is little chance the Typhoon will be added in a state where it doesnt require dozens of reports to fix and thread after thread fighting claims like “F-16 should turn better than the Typhoon” like we had with the Gripen.

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I actually quite like it, perhaps it’s solely due to the rarity but the large crater makes it easier to push past that group of buildings in the center of the map.

Not quite sure that’s really why there is a general discontent with that subject. Case and point: Today.


Tbh I don’t even know how the argument started off from earlier

Most new vehicles to the game have a host of reports when they join (and after). Britain’s top tier is no exception to that.


Guys let’s let Smin sleep. I have a feeling he’ll need the extra sleep for tomorrow.


writing and then reading this made me like English even less

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I know, but also given the fact that major issues just never seem to get resolved. Even for “old” vehicles.

For example

4 round ready rack for the CR1s and CR2s, is that ever going to be addressed?

Napalm for the Buc S2 or Sea-Vixen, that was reported on the old bug report system, so 2 or 3 years old?

SHar HUDs? Harrier Heat Sigs (Heli IR changes and F-117 open doors for the Harriers to finally have a fixed heat sig)

Tornado IDS radar?

And from this year, you also had the fake BOL nerfs which really hammered Britian the hardest. But I do feel really sorry for the Viggen DI as well.

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While yes, today has had the same arguments and people screaming in circles at each other lmao, hence the song choice.

Edit: Speaking of lmao

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Please, dear Gaijin, let me use Kormorans against tanks

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RR got the poor man fighting for his life until midnight on a Monday.

I hope snail HQ gives these forum blokes some christmas bonuses lmao

All the knowledge of English he had had had had little effect on this moment.

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There are historical reports again for all nations. Britain is also not an exception there.

There are weaponry reports going back far longer for many aircraft and tanks. As always, majors always bring new weaponry loadouts both new and old. So its just a case of when all of these can be implemented. But it applies to all nations. Not just one.

As Ive answered you personally countless times now regarding this, a lot of HUDS are in progress. Not just Shar.

A more complicated matter relating to how Harrier is modelled with VTOL. Its not quite the same as the F-117 or helicopters. Further review and work is needed for them.

Applies to multiple nations, of which other ground radar reports are also under investigation.

Would appreciate if we could remain on track in this topic. Its gone far enough off today.

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