Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Just when the brit mains tgought he was on their side, interesting move by the writers.

The duality of British players:



I mean this is a bit of a stretch.

Quite literally.

I like all of them. I just want them to have the proper performance they should have. Namely Chally 2 Mantlet. And ERA.

Wdym? That is literally YOU.
I cant just fake a stat everyone can check.

Im not sure what you are not getting about the fact that this was from when we first introduced the Squadron T-90 and was a hint to future Indian vehicles too that were since added. I have explained all the details for you, you simply need to put them all together.


Sure, so was the Strv 103s aiming system

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This is why I main France, so I can hate all non-native vehicles no matter what, like a true Parisian, hate anything that isn’t from France

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Yes, it’s me, but Smin was talking to someone else there

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They still haven’t fixed the gun depression on them rn only the premium version can aim all the way down. Technically pay to win now /s

Fair enough. It should have a better RWR and cockpit that much I know. Maybe some GPS bombs.

Its missing its own Cockpit and its own Digital RWR out of the back of my head.

Probably about time we have a little re-decorating.


So all this text about MBTs from other commonwealth nations was a lie?


I dont think any two Brit mains seem to be on their own same side. Some ask for X whilst another set want to burn the world down once X is added.


It says MBTs AND other vehicles

Oh, well, when i was looking there a response was to you, that i why i posted it.
My bad then.

I’m impressed they’ve built such a great merry go round, got us going round in circles, whilst not being able to put 2 and 2 together.

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