Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Oh, so, even though 6 of us spawned SPAA, it’s a “team issue” because we did not spawn MORE than one SPAA each…?

So “just spawning SPAA” isn’t good anymore, you also have to purchase backups and “just spawn SPAA AND Backup SPAA”… and when that’s not enough (which wouldn’t be", “just spawn fighter”…


right from tranche 1, just read trough the eft UK thread.

if you wanna believe it or not shrug, the a2a capability to carry stuff didnt change at any point of the eft development

You need to spawn an patriot site then if it doesn’t work your point MAYBE considered.

I think they need to spawn at least a full ARB match worth of fighters so it can be considered that they tried to defend themselves.

This man is shrugging

One other. Both F-16s are Belgian.

About an 80-90% chance I’d say

100%, you mean.

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Yeah basically 100% lol

I honestly need a J11B wall paper.

only AIM-9L and air to ground weapons
F-16A ADF:
adds AIM-7M but no air to ground weapons

I gotchu


ok how so

You can check it yourself 9m39 & 9m336


This spreadsheet hasnt been updated since, and still shows the old (C&P) version of the verba

I’m aware, the point is they are identical otherwise

F15EX can carry aim174x4 of them too

Currently only Super Hornets was spotted with AIM-174. Also AIM-174 is Navy missile, very low chance that it will be fielded by USAF


Any new leeks?

I believe not.

Sad. Hope for devblog on Tuesday, or better Monday