Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

The problem isn’t that America is getting a lot. It’s that other nations that are more in need get little to nothing. Germany, for example, didn’t get the Tornado IDS ASSTA3.1, and Italy the Tornado IDS A200C, despite being more in need of CAS upgrades than America.


The J-11B is more of a sidegrade to the J-10A, with it having more missiles, but inferior flight performance. If it gets PL-8Bs, however, then yes, 14.0.

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Second best, behind the F-15J(M).

True but AAM-3 is barely better for whatever reason gaijin decided to make it basically an AIM-9M with extra steps

It’s also that the J(M) is slightly lighter. It’s not enough of a difference to matter, but it’s still something.


There is another image of that wreck, viewed from the front, and the little armoured box the driver sits in is somehow, miraculously intact. (About the only thing on the entire hull which is).

The source I read said he got out relatively unscathed. Must have been one hell of a concussive blast though.

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For the rest of the poor man’s life

R-77-1 instead R-27R/R-27T on MiG-29SMT (9-19) and BR to 14.0

Increase battle rating 13.7 ~ 14.3

RB 98 (IRIS-T) instead RB 74(M), and convert PS-05/A to PS-05/A Mk.4 radar on JAS 39 C Gripen

Dear lawd please no

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That will not come any time soon.

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  • Better BVR platform
  • Better Radar than the J-10A
  • Better IR missiles (As its physically incapable of using 5Es it NEEDS PL-8Bs)

Genuinely I dont think they’ll add PL-8Bs mostly because they seem allergic to them but also because well… Gaijin

Afaik the JAS39 C was entered into service with Mk.2 so we should get that before Mk.4

The J-11B’s radar is miles ahead of the J-10A. The J-10A accelerates pretty slow and has a lot of drag, while J-11B will have a thrust-to-weight ratio nearing F-15C. J-10A might still be superior in a dogfight but J-11B will be more “meta” for top-tier air battles.

Idk man I was hitting mach 1.3 very easily in ARB today and beating F-15Es in jousts, ofc that doesnt mean much because they could be bad but still its flight perf is very very good imo

I was unaware of that.

This is Gaijin. Anything is possible.

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Albeit the performance difference between the Type 1473 and Type 1493 wont be massive I dont think besides range which in WT is negligible

The only thing that matters to me is that the J-11B is my favourite Flanker, so after I’ve had my fun with the Typhoon and perhaps the Rafale also, that’s what I’ll be going for.

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Based. I cant blame you though its going to be VERY good if its done right, the WS-10s will be a massive upgrade over the Saturns

The Chinese dark grey paint scheme also makes it look really cool.

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