this wasn’t the AESA radar updata therefore no F-2A
There’s already an AESA radar in game, though.
Crashes out in Japanese
If Gaijin gives me the Ki-64 I’ve been asking for since 2019, I will shut up and buy 20 gorjillion GE
Two, if the ASRAD actually employs that, and the new Mi-8(which seems to be even worse than the amtsh). TOR, ZA-35, pantsir and PGZ09 employs PESA.
Since I spent so much time formatting the guess lists:
- DEU 🇩🇪:
- Eurofighter (Tranche 1)
- USSR 🇷🇺:
- SU-33
- GBR 🇬🇧:
- Typhoon F. GR. 2
- JPN 🇯🇵/🇹🇭:
- F-5A [THA]
- F-5T [THA]
- CHN 🇨🇳:
- J-11B
- J-10B
- ITA 🇮🇹:
- F-2000A Typhoon (Tranche 1)
- FRA 🇫🇷:
- Rafale C (F3. 2)
- ISR 🇮🇱:
- Kfir C.10 (Block 60)
Ground Vehicles
- USA 🇺🇸:
- DEU 🇩🇪:
- Pzh 2000
- USSR 🇷🇺:
- BMD-4M
- GBR 🇬🇧/🇿🇦:
- JPN 🇯🇵:
- M44
- CHN 🇨🇳:
- HQ-17
- FRA 🇫🇷:
- VCBI MK2 T40
- ISR 🇮🇱:
- Namer IFV
Naval Vehicles
- USA 🇺🇸:
- Maryland (BB-46)
- USSR 🇷🇺:
- Admiral Kuznetsov (Baku-style, for test flight)
- Arkhangelsk(ex - Royal Sovereign (05))
A better view of Namer IFV’s Spike Launcher (and APS) :
Also, considering that they added a PESA radar on a strike fighter last update, there’s nothing saying that Gaijin will wait.
Theyve already said AESA wont come at full capability so there is LITERALLY NO EXCUSE to not add the F-2A.
The turret looks like it’s way too far back.
So mock ups are fair game now?
I’m praying that this boy doesn’t end like a premium pls don’t be a premium
Gaijin reading the hype comments like …loooool… we changed the file names… here’s the new leopard 2a4s you’ll be getting instead XD
It’s heavier and without much of a thrust increase, unfortunately.
With more hard points and perhaps R-27EM.
Playing Merkavas / Namers in Urban maps, and having to expose 593 metres of front hull before your turret comes around is peak gameplay lol
Ain’t happening chief
Only half a kilometre? Seems like more.
its not a mock up
yes, but canard should provide more mobility