Crowd getting restless without a devblog for a few weeks.
I think the future of the game depends heavily on relaxing standards. We will eventually run out of stuff by the current standards, perhaps even sooner than many expect.
We’re going to need some of the more paper vehicles eventually. (British Aerospace P.125 for an example)
As long as it is implemented realistically and consistently, I have no issue.
Are we going to see more East German ground vehicles? So far there are only three despite making up 25 % of the country. I mean Italy has more Warsaw ground vehicles than Germany.
More are under consideration for the future yes.
do we get dev blog in this week?
can it be today?
Potentially yes
The OSA doesn’t fill a BR gap but it does fill a gap in capability. Better range than the Stormer HVM and a proximity fuse warhead.
More than anything it gives players with awful ping something more effective at 10.3.
Thank you for confirming we will receive at least one devblog in the next 31,558,149.5 seconds.
Most kind.
What time does dev blog usually open? 8am est?
How likely are we to see an Indian M2K given that the vehicle is already in the game and can pretty much just be added whenever?
@Smin1080p_WT so generous
Instead 1 week, FlyingOstridge was gifted with 2 week vacation))))
Not today.
Sure, gameplay wise the Dutch smoke grenade placement and the FN MAG are the only differences. Then again, it’s a Leo 2, those have some of the easiest HEAT-FS stock grinds of all rank VII vehicles. But I understand why you wouldn’t be interested in playing it a lot. Plenty of people experience the same at lower ranks with Shermans, even if that grind takes less time.
Well. We still waiting for German (prototype) Kf-41. Make theme for it :
First, we’d like to let you know that we plan to introduce the KF41 in the upcoming “Sons of Attila” major update for Hungary as they are the first (and currently only) operator of the vehicle. Its addition to the Hungarian line does not entirely rule out its future addition to the game in other forms, but for the Sons of Attilla update there are no plans to introduce a KF41 for Germany. The version coming to the game is the unique serial production for Hungary specifically. Germany still has a lot of potential vehicles left to add, with the possibility of some KF variants down the line. The main reason for its introduction this update is to be the main top of the line vehicle for the Hungarian subtree, as it’s a unique production vehicle for them. The PUMA variant with Spikes is not the current model we have in game, and is again something that’s possible in the future for Germany.
Question is still opened
Wait. Did he actually make death threats?
It would make me very happy if the first devblog was Warspite in her 1944-45 refit.
Sure Germany could have it, but it’s no better than the PUMA. And that tank is already so bugged.
Like getting ammo racked in the Puma will cause you to lose both tracks and every electrical module