Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I hope it’s not gona be China techtree


oh right, my mistake.

Switzerland has no heavy tanks, but it is not really needed for a tech tree, Israeli have none, and Italy and Sweden didn’t have any for years (Italy only got one because of Hungary in the last year and Sweden got his tiger II fairly recently). but they did test the Jagdpanther and Panther bought from France in 1945 along with a few other vehicles such as the Stug III and Hetzer (i believe they also got the Sherman and Ram II at the same time). it also has a great interest in the French AMX 50 but never tried it. that is all Switzerland had about heavy tanks. there is a few helicopters used to test the various Swiss armament. we are mostly talking about light scout helicopter and not actual attack helicopter. but it can at least give a bit on this area without getting at the top. as the mountainous terrain that makes 70% of Switzerland offer an easy defense from the ground and difficult flight conditions, they didn’t plan to use helicopters to fight directly.

if sub then China, not, then united Korea tt


Me too. Would be really cool. Maybe China could get navy then as well.

I don’t think North Korean tech tree gose China techtree

As a Chinese, I agree with what you said.

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If it would be main Polist TT with Czechoslovakian and Hungary as sub tts then i can agree

If it would be a Visegrad TT (named like that) then all 4 nation should be ballanced with their addition. In my eyes this would have biggest potencional.

Tho Czechoslovakia has a plenty of stuffs on their own…tho that may be my bias as a Czech.

One problem that i have with sub-tts is that Gaijin isnt adding vehicles from those nation very often. If we loln at the ground. Last Finland vehicle was added last year in june which was CV9030. When was the last Sauth African vehicle added? Hungary got a leopard this year which is nice.

Plus would be nice if addint sub-tt would look like it look now. They get a whole seperate line. In my eyes would be better to mix those vehicles into already existing line.

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and yet you commented on how the swiss F18 was fake, so do you comment on rumours or not?

Hi Scotty


well, If Visegrad had a flag on his own, it would work.
but they do not officially have any. so it got to be named after one of the nations i suppose.
Poland or Hungary, it do not really matter who is at the head of the nation. Hungary has the advantage to already having plenty of vehicles in the game. Poland has a little less. the Czech too have a few vehicles. i would say the work is halfway done to make a tech tree. we just need to work on the WW2 polish and Czech vehicles and a few more modern vehicles from each nation, add a few reskin copy-paste where needed and the tech tree is good to go. at least for the grounds.

Finland got the new KV in the last update. and South Africa is not really needed for UK, neither was Hungary for Italy. Besides Italy is currently getting new tanks. they signed a deal for the KF-41 and KF-51 a couple of months ago, got the Ariete PT3 almost ready and are thinking about getting Leopard 2A8 on top of that. for WW2 i would have loved to see the various prototypes of P40 which are pretty interesting, and a bunch of gun trucks as Italy had a lot of those. there is also a bunch of other tanks to add from the Cold War/modern period. there is the OF-40 Mk3, Leone, Leonardo M60A3, C1 Ariete Hitfact, Lynx 120 and many more. i can find enough material to fill 5 line well enough with only a few rare cases where there is a single vehicle in a rank in the line. i do not think Italy needed anything from Hungary.


We just clarified one was not coming in the previous major and was never planned to be in the first place that update, as a lot of people were under the impression it was going to be and were building themselves up for disappointment.

As always, it’s best to wait for official news for what’s coming in major updates.


Yeah as far as we know F-22A is on one of those “up to 5 years for an aircraft” things. Can actually see it come sooner but by no means soon.
Eurofighter delayed to 2025 is actually a silver lining. Delayed means it WAS planned for 2024 so can’t be that far off. Prob first or second patch of the year.

I agree. Rather, it would be better to make the Korean tree into a union tree and come out as the main tree when you get five rank equipment from the USA, Soviet and China like the Israeli tree

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That doesn’t mean that Gaijin can’t give it one of the unofficial ones, like this


Anybody know when the next update will be?

Within a month.

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Gaijin mentioned the Japan-Thailand relationship when announcing the Thailand F-5, so I think it is unlikely. If Korea were to become a subtree of Japan, a messy controversy would inevitably ensue.

good morning

anything new or are we still talking about sub trees?

We gotta get a devblog today come on…

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