Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Make sure its a moonwalk otherwise you wont be walking away.

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You know what, I’m gonna do 720 and walk away twice as fast.

Aaanyway, where devblog?

Blohm & Voss BV.142 V2/U1

Hardly a looker, (it could be mistaken for French!) and sadly not much of a performer either so probably not a good BP reward outside the shop. But I still want to see it somewhere, someday…

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huh? what dose submarines have to do with Sub-trees/sub-nations?

How about this?

Or someone got anything on the Ho229 proposed to carry bombs?


oop im stupid it was like 5am I thought you guys were talking about submarines my bad

there are a couple options here

there are quite a few WWII German bombers that could take this place easily that would be absolutely worth it

If germany got a flying wing bomber before America i will scream.

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All of a sudden i feel peckish for the Su-30MKK. Most of the weapons are in game that the plane carries.

the Production variant, or rather the plan to Arm the thing was 4 Cannons, either MG151/20 or MK108 or MK216C + 2 underwing pylons

they could absolutely make a “V6” with the better engines, proper guns and 2 pylons for SC250

but I doubt it, much more likely do I find one of the missing Prop powered Bombers like the He 274 or Ju-88S

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Yeah. Hope we’ll get some prop bomber with some weird guided ordinance.

French used it apparently to launch these! Doubt we’ll ever see those in game but looks cool.

What would be special about this? Aside from being fast?

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faster, more ordenance due to more engine power

better defence

compare Do-17 and Do-217 and you get about the same difference

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Were getting dreams come true even soon no?

I can see someone wanting that but I’d pass on this battle pass if that was the one.

IIRC they had blogs at the back end of October, so just under 3 weeks or so.

Its usually low tier stuff right?

We only had 2 so far, togi II and sturmtiger. Who knows for future with gaijin. A dream that many UK players have had for example is having a CVRT, could be all sorts of BR for that xD

Thats… genuinely the worst idea ive ever heard

Might be a He 177 B (a Greif with 4 single DB 601s instead of the 2 DB 606s)

Bro, CVRT should be in the TT