Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I just think that Gaijin wouldn’t have any issues selling premiums if they gave them more appeal than simply being from a new nation.

Id rather existing sub nations not have all of their unique vehicles locked behind events or premium when 99% of the TT is copy paste with 1 unique vehicle. Its lazy and down right insulting


Depending on how it’s implemented it would likely be a 13.3 vehicle. Only 72 standard sized countermeasures, 4 missiles max, same or similar FM as Kfir C.7 iirc. However it will have an PESA/AESA radar (but gaijin has yet to had the unique function of it), HMD, ARH Derby/Derby ER & Python 4/5 (5 is was to advanced for rn), and laser guided munitions with modern targeting pod.

Basically a worse F-16C Barack II given the disadvantages of it, but if we get 14.0 and the Python 4 in the future I could see it being 13.7 while the F-16C and F-15C go up to 14.0 with their Python 4s.

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Im gonna be honest, I think without considering python 4s, the C.10 will be the tier 8 premium. It is a heavily renovated gen 2/3 aircraft and ARH capable. Israel does have a handful of options, such as MiG-21-2000 or LanceR, were them not be put into Italy as subtree vehicles, but the kfir sounds the most reasonable.

Any leaks yet ?

Yes, my tap broke


Have you tried calming its machine spirit?


I’m betting the German plane is the top reward and I’m thinking the boat will likely be the level 38 one as always. The leaked Bangladeshi Pr.123K seems like a likely choice for it as a “Soviet” vehicle. My guesses for the German plane are the IA 58A or a Fw 190 with the X-4 as both of those have been datamined in the past but it could be basically any rank 4 plane. I think the free reward will be a crate with 4 ground vehicles in it like the Boat one we have now. Probably also with 3 rank 3 ones and a single rank 1 but it could be any past premiums that aren’t available to buy and are rank 3 or lower.

Would be cool if the M64 is featured on the list. It is a decent vehicle after all and pretty expensive one.

I did, it gave me a middle finger and left looking for better times

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Could be, but I think it’s just gonna be vehicles that aren’t on the market or available to buy in some way. So stuff like the T55E1 or Ikv 73.

we need this next update, I beg

I really want to get a kill in an M22 or L3 while using this

Maybe, apart from Romanian OSA, some of their planes can also be integrated into that line, at least another IAR-80/81 variant.
Maybe Nova29 models



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Maybe the battlepass vehicle will be Alpha Jet ICE since it was never finished irl and would likely be an event vehicle if implemented. Plus it’s like 99% copy/paste so easy to implement.

they tend to not add unfinished aircraft, unless you are russia so who knows lol

well the aircraft was finished. It’s just they didn’t complete the new weapons integration or rather never started.

then they wouldn’t get the weapons lol

Well it’s about as real as the F14d with aim120 that everyone seems to want.

it still could come to the game… right?

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Well… the BR changes were an… interesting experience.

I hope tomorrow there will be actually positive information to make up for it, hahahah.