Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I mean it kinda seems like it side stepped fixing the stormer but ok

literally could have just given them Martels

oh i dont expect an answer dont worry
didnt either when i called them out on the 2S38 yesterday

its insane that its been a year and a half since the release of the Pantsir and not a single other SPAA has been released with a range longer then 12km

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Moreover it realistically didn’t fix a gap compared to the 5.0 to 8.3 gap

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The Stormers missiles were fixed some time ago.

Warm I would probably say. We are getting there :)


SmIn CoNfIrMeD dEvBlOgS iN 3 SeCoNdS!


Do hope for some more interesting vehicles, last few patches have been a little light on the light tanks/cars I keep hoping for for WW2/cold war.

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yeah while I would prefer a better top tier sam (Sky Sabre is right there) the new SPAA is most likely gonna be for that gap or ya know another 8.3

is there any particular reason on why the stormer HVM hasn’t received the Martel missiles? this would make it far better since they have a proxy fuse

Or just give it ACLOS so that the missiles dont need the player to SACLOS guide them by such extreme levels.

yeah that to lol

Stormer didn’t use Martel unless Im mistaken.

it was upgraded to carry them and we have seen them being used in Ukraine on their stormer the UK give them

Well… Except all the things that weren’t fixed. Including the fact they still sometimes phase. Especially on high ping.

But also things like the buggy as hell IRST and missing IFF still yet to be fixed and the massive tracers that vlcan be seen cross map.

Also the things not modeled like the low intensity laser

I think you mean Martlet (LMM) which is very diffrent to Martel.

This is a much more advanced missile that would drive the BR of the vehicle up. Hence why it has not currently been added as it is the primary SPAA for the popular 10.3 lineup.

This may be reconsidered in the future.

Some connection issues are impossible to avoid and this can happen with a number of missiles. Some are not even issues within the game, but personal connections. However the primary issues with the Stormer have indeed been fixed.

As for “all the things that weren’t fixed” there is only one other report and thats on ammo capacity.

yeah sorry I get the 2 mixed up I didnt mean the anti ship missile lol

Yes, give me the automatic Stormer, just as irl

Hello there!

If we are clarifying things about the BR changes, may I ask one last thing?

Why did M1A1 AIM not receive its historical KEW-A2 shell (slightly worse than M829A2), while M1A2 has M829A2 at the same BR and the M1A1 HCs are receiving M829A2 at the same BR too?

Now, M1A1 AIM will have slightly worse armor and a quite significantly worse shell at the same BR as these tanks, which makes it practically pointless by comparison.

I believe it is a shame to depict the Australian Abrams in an unhistorically worse state at the same BR as much stronger variants for no apparent reason.