This entire BR change has been abhorrent. Many things that needed adjusting have been ingored and many thigns that were perfectly fine have been moved. Id go as far as to say, I want them to just revert this entire BR change and just start again from scratch.
It is? Never saw the option for it. I’ll check it out later. Should be linked to the Commander sight keybind considering that’s what it is.
In general, I get bitter every time I see that a chance to make of War Thunder a better game is thrown off the window like this.
We had been waiting for a BR/Balance update for several months, to solve many issues which have been present even for years… we expected Ground and Naval decompression…
And yet, what we got was zero addressing for Naval’s compression issue, just a 0.3 “decompression” for Ground that barely changes anything, and lots of nonsensical changes like M1A1 AIM’s, Challenger 3 (TD)'s or Leopard 2PL’s.
Literally the only two things I’m looking forward to from this update is the Merkavas’ 5 second reload (they should still not be 12.0 even then though) and the Russian lineup going to 10.3 so that I can use Strela with it xd (which remains at 10.3).
And worst of all is, I am so desperate for any sort of improvements, that I am looking forward even to just those two things…
Yep, absolutely 0 of the changes I wanted happened. Not a single one. In fact the things I feared the most happened instead.
Superior British Engineering
Is the BR change time determined?
it was always a close call between the Ariete and CR3 TD for which was the worst tank in game. But now the Ariete has a 5 second reload with DM53, as well as the better moblity. I think we can officially claim that title.
lmao that didnt take long to get flagged also yeah no I would take the Ariete over the 3TD, you lose a bit of pen but a faster fire rate and way better mobility
You know how you can switch to secondary/tertiary armament on tanks, an MG for example and view through it’s scope? It’d be more like that I reckon
I am nonetheless plugging my suggestion here (I apologize in advance), as it was mentioned
Please let’s avoid F-bombs, keep it clean.
did he mention F*orida?
You said it, I’m flagging you.
I think Lower Rank Hungarian Air was also confirmed to some degree, just for the future and not any specific update though. Same with a French DF-105 equivalent of some kind.
Just Smin trying to justify why soviets get a huge amount of hand-holding and everyone else gets punished all the time
Can I get some of that hand holding please, I am straight up not having a good time in my Sushka 😭
Yeah… What Id give for 1/10th the hand-holding the soviets get
All fine yeah. Just a few questions came up :)
Now all the Mig-21s and Mig-23s are massively Under-BRed and going to dominate their BR bracket. Can we get this undone
Actually give the other team a fighting chance
As far as I know, the J-7E and J-7D are the same aircraft, just one is TT and one is premium. Are both of these going up in BR? I only remember seeing one of them listed
Same question about OF-40 MTCA getting DM33 and going up. Does this apply to the OF-40 Mk.2 also? Again, these are the same except for their premium/non premium status.
Edit: Fixed mistake, meant to say DM33 not DM23