( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh, I know ;-)
hear me out I have a perfect 7.7 spaa, give us something with blowpipes
Blowpipe mentioned
Like I said, shorland S53 with blowipes when! Though I would say its prob more a 9.0 system even if MCLOS.
Blowpipe could actually qualify for the first 8.7 SAM.
On similar note of very questionable SAMs where is a ship with SeaCat?
SeaCats arent great with only a 16kg warhead, could see SeaSlugs which does have a 91kg warhead
could have just given russia a copy paste tor m1 and it would have been fair
I wouldnt bother smin doesnt respond to people calling the devs out on that, multiple people already have
By the way, as of this time, in the category “Cold”, “Warm” and “Hot”, at what stage is the first announcement of the devblog?
I mean it kinda seems like it side stepped fixing the stormer but ok
literally could have just given them Martels
oh i dont expect an answer dont worry
didnt either when i called them out on the 2S38 yesterday
its insane that its been a year and a half since the release of the Pantsir and not a single other SPAA has been released with a range longer then 12km
Moreover it realistically didn’t fix a gap compared to the 5.0 to 8.3 gap
The Stormers missiles were fixed some time ago.
Warm I would probably say. We are getting there :)
SmIn CoNfIrMeD dEvBlOgS iN 3 SeCoNdS!
Do hope for some more interesting vehicles, last few patches have been a little light on the light tanks/cars I keep hoping for for WW2/cold war.
yeah while I would prefer a better top tier sam (Sky Sabre is right there) the new SPAA is most likely gonna be for that gap or ya know another 8.3