I was going to say “Nuh uh” and point to New Power, which arguably was the most naval-focused update since the mode’s introduction, but apparently 2020 was a weird year for War Thunder as New Power was actually the 4th major update of the year (the same part of the update cycle we’re on now) but was nearly twice the size of the December update Hot Tracks, which was even smaller than Kings of Battle, which everyone points to as the example of October updates being smaller.
No VT-4 makes me sad, it’s the tank I would have been most interested about for Japan Top Tier :(
We will see how Oplot-T turns out ingame, maybe it turns out to be amazing! Leopard 2 SG looks very cool, but the hull won’t probably provide much protection, since the base is 2A4’s, and the turret is 2PL’s but with 40mm less of KE.
Oplot-T its pretty much a better T90M in terms of ingame performance, having save thermals, with slightly worse fov gunner sight i believe, better mobility in terms of reverse but having pretty much same HP/T as the T90M and with much better armor, specailly side armor… but the shell its prob gonna be a let down unless they add DTC-10 wich i believe thailand bought, oh that’s right and the autoloader has better reload times
I’ve been amazed by submarines ever since I was little and I’ve had the privilege of visiting a few museum ships, they’re so cool. I think they would fit into War Thunder really well and I think even the hardcore subsim crowd would be interested just because War Thunder would likely be modeling a bunch of submarines not represented in other games or media.
Oh, if it really has a better autoloader, plus all you said and DTC-10… then it interests me, A LOT!
I wasn’t very interested under the premise of a 7.1 autoloading 3BM42… but if those aren’t the case, plus EVEN BETTER armor than T-90M… very interested!
I really want to see them interact with other vessels in NRB ;) also modern naval stuff is what I want. Modern Air, Naval and Ground on one RB map would be the dream 🥺
it has a pretty good autoloader as far as i know since its based off the T80’s autoloader just upgraded to have an external armor cover make it a itty bitty more compact and fit longer ammo altough idk how much longer tbh it just said something like that in a manual i read some time ago