It’s props it’s nickname Harimau
There is no info about specific vehicles in that first line.
So it not a tank then ?
I mean it’s got the subs brackets
not gonna god damn do that now ,will do this on friday when i finaly have proper time , last time they did this i nearly went nut’s
Ay up that another gone
what in gods name am i looking at , indonesia tree/sub ?
me right now doing some puzzle thingies (I want to see if I can locate the BTR-4M)
I think I’ve located the EBR
If its a SEA tree full blown couldnt it be several nation vehicles or… would a sea thing be more tl how india is added as afew things here and there
It wasn’t what I expected, but it it’s an EBR so I’m happy
Well it’s more or less confirmed Thailand could have Indonisia with it
What was your guess m8 ?
Smin already said that having five lines does not limit a nation getting a sub-tree
Really dont understand how theyd even impliment that without major tree reconstructions or just shoving stuff anywhere…
nothing in particular, it certainly fits perfectly for me and makes sense
Simply using Microsoft photo editor, I lowered the contrast and raised the saturation by 100; five different times on the same image. Now it is much easier to see the defining lines, if not a little bit bright on the eyes.
I think in some point this year or in 2025 they will do a major tree reconstruction, they need to do it If they want to remove the actual limitations otherwise it will be a giant mess (in my personal opinión ofc)
He doesn’t fully understand what “tree” means, then. Gaijin saying that India, for example, is a sub tree does not mean that it is. A sub tree is subordination of a tree, which, in this context, is a line.
Oh thank you I definitely play around with this tomorrow
Guess 2SG for Japan is inevitable