Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

F2H-4 before or after F9F group ? I don’t battle rating

F2H-3 from RCN service carried AIM-9B

But USN service F2H-3 test AIM-9B only ?

F-89H and F-89J, my guess


F-4D shoot enemy soviet fighter aircraft with AIM-4D in the vietnam war

Damn, this Belgian Cockerill turret for the Boxer is quite well modelled! And a LWS for the Cockerill 3105 was added, even if KNDS and Cockerill didn’t market that option for the Boxer variant specifically.


Idk, its looking like it might be the strongest 10.3 LT for rn, though with a LWS on top its gonna be a pretty good vehicle. Especially since itll fit into the lineup

I looked at putting Manxman on there since it was leaked, but I had trouble justifying what to do with it. It would be a lower BR than any other Squadron vehicle, there are tons of premiums at that BR range already, and Abdiel is already in the tech tree.

My best guess is that it could be a battle pass vehicle, so I didn’t include it because it wouldn’t be added as part of the update (technically)

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should’ve made it fully red tbh

fits the squadron like nothing else

There 's no more low Rank battlepass prize vehicle though, they replaced them w/ the trophy box for a vehicle from a previous season or event. The current one has naval vehicles in it, next one might have tanks or aircraft.
That might also mean that the free prize or paid prize BP vehicle in an upcoming season could be a naval vehicle, while the more traditional aircraft or ground vehicle would be represented via the trophy box only.

The " Fire and Ice " update integrated the battlepass to the theme of the update overall, but there haven’t been many fall updates since they started the battlepass so it 's hard to tell if they might do that again.

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Its going to be a premium, and its going to get all the 156 mines it should.

Ariete gets br decrease? No way, it’s definitely a fake. It’s almost like if it’s said that Ariete gets protection buff.

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Otomatic goes up, Tunguska doesnt change. Thats enough proof for me

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Oh it will definitely be the strongest 10.0-10.3 big(ish) calibre cannon light tank for sure. Not really anything good enough to compete.

Seems fair enough. Weirdly the game doesnt have a specifically 10.3 wheeled assault gun yet.
Edit: can you check does it have falarick?

See it should probably move up to 10.7 with its current set up but im against it as germany lacks a 10.7 lineup and as this is an event vehicle i dont expect to see this vehicle often after a few months.


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This one is decent. Not as good as the object 292, but it should be roughly the same in terms of popularity. I am expecting the price to be around 50 GJN since a lot of Germany main will use it themselves, which is why the object has such a high price when most Russia mains just kept the vehicle.

Well there is only one other 10.x wheeled event vehicle to conpare it to here and the difference in performance between the two is pretty noticeable to anyone whos seen the CT

This thing compared to the CT features DM63 and a 60% bigger ready rack, with better handling, whilst at the same rate. Even some spall liners though it wont matter much, not sure about the protection overall. I wouldnt say it is 10.7 worthy, considering it is more like the said CT-CV than things like centauro MGS.

Since this month 's event is a ground vehicle, re-normalizing the vehicle branch sequence, it seems likely that the vehicle for the next one will be an aircraft. Since the Victory Day event was combined w/ the monthly event sequence, it 's possible that Dreams Come True ( the anniversary event ) will also be combined.

However, the event for December was specifically stated to remain the same as it was before the new event format was implemented, that being a vehicle prize for three vehicle branches all running at the same time.
From S.U.M.M.E.R 2022 onwards, that type of marathon event had one " top " vehicle prize for each branch, and a low Rank vehicle prize for just one of the branches. It alternated between a ground vehicle in summer and a plane in winter, but for this year the winter event is coming in place of what would have otherwise been a naval vehicle in the new monthly event format.

It 's possible that this year the low Rank prize will be a Naval vehicle because of this, possibly one of the Rank 1-3 ones that have been leaked or found in the files.

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Yes please!

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Just out of curiosity I did some analysis to see how big the difference DM63 plays
If this is the case, we may indeed conclude that it is the handling and other factors that decides the vehicles BR compared to 10.0 tanks



Same targets from 500m

