Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I know I know

I meant that it doesn’t need to defend against itself because it has no Air to Air armaments

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And wyvern and napalm I think

Yeah, our only incendiaries are on the Strikemaster lol

That’s true even with A2A weapons on many ground attackers. Except in sim.

Rarely do I run A2A weapons on the Bucs (heck S1 has none even if I wanted to) and it’s fine with the right tactics. Atleast within SIM. Something like an F-117 would basically be limited to SIM or GRB I reckon

And harrier Gr1. Forgot about the strikemaster

You guys have incin?

What nations dont have them, pretty sure isreal and sweden don’t.

Missing mostly from the heavy bombers and the Buc S2 on TT and the sea vixen. Reports are like 2 years old

Oooh, right, the Harrier GR1 has those too

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But not the Gr3…

Did either nation ever use them though?

Israel has some on the F-84F, Mysteres, A-4s, Kurnass’, Netz and F-15s

And Sweden has them on the A32A and the Finnish Messerschmitts and Ju-88

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Correct me if im wrong but we should be getting a complete ( one Ground/Air/Naval each) 4th Cycle of Event-Vehicles in the reminder of the year, and after that all at once in the Winter Event, if we take around ~18-20 days per event right ? If there is no cosmetic Event in between that is

Anniversary Event and maybe something for Halloween, but other than that, yeah, we should be getting 1 more tank, plane and boat

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I don’t know the early attack aircraft premium pack (pre-order or release after next major update to live server) rank 8 for USA in the future. but not this year

Hopefully this attack aircraft to early rank 8 between A-10C and AV-8B+ someday

the A-6F would also be…interesting

ah i forgot about halloween, that could indeed be a cosmetic event maybe

But im wondering, the anniversary Event has been a Ground Vehicle the past years, but if the Ground Event is the next one as confirmed by Smin, are they swapping in the cycle again or will there be an Aircraft this time for “Dreams come true” …

or will the Anniversary Event not count into the Cycle … hmm

Nah, you either take the YA-6A or no more Intruders at all

Yes. New engines and AIM-120 capability

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Intruder II with AMRAAMs cause funny

The anniversary event could be for multiple vehicles