Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Fake, or atleast not from an known source

BOZ-ECs would be good to, give it MAWS

“no self defence vs its own vehicles” like what the hell is that even supposed to mean?

The only thing that comes to mind is parasite aircraft and there is no way Gaijin found a way to implement those in a proper way

definitely A6E swip


I thought the Nighthawk was coming
Looks like just a joke
I’m still keeping an eye on the upcoming Germany boxer

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boxer is based on the assumptions that were floating around earlier

and German due to Smins next will be a German Ground vehicle statement

clearly a fake

Are we going to be getting another riddle leak list again? Honestly that was pretty fun and a more engaging form of leak list rather than the plain lists


It was fun after they fixed it, ngl the early transcripts kinda were missleading

Technically they are not “glide bombs” but in function, the PGMs are essentially the same.

probably (but obviously not any time soon)

Watch it be a swiss vehicle 😂

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I mean its very likely to be some sort of swiss vehicle with gaijin adding the p16

it’s the boxer , and it was never sold to the swiss

Has the boxer been confirmed via a devblog?

Did someone confirm it was the boxer? I haven’t been looking to much into the details.

via other means


All we know is the next event vehicle will be in the German tree and probably be a higher BR vehicle.

no, just the Tieba guy released a riddle, which probably means boxer

Big sad, was hoping for something between 6.x-8.7 shame