Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Guys I can only get so hard

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Ah that is true but you see. Speculation is fun

It’s not F-15, it’s mig 29M2

@patryk107 real

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Can they not just get 4 R-73’s and 6 R27ER’s given that the entire purpose of the ER was to counter AIM-120A and B?

You are a hater😁. The rest would be off topic

I never said they can’t.

Here is an equally as horrifying and schizo thought

It’s an Su-27UB and it’s an event reward

Ok I’m done

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Gaijin told us gripen will be this year and people need something to fight it, are you seriously going this deep to know that we will get su-27 and f-15?

you do know that the btr was first a black silhouette that was posted by the official vk account right?

then someone leaked the full model, the silhouette post got removed and then we saw the full model again on vk

Stop it, it’s not a Mig 29 dammit


It can’t be, I want to believe

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Not an Su-30, either.

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I normally don’t like Indian vehicles but i bloody love flankers and thrust vectoring and canards I mean MAN. If they had western avionics I’d genuinely call them the best 4th generation aircraft.

the more i look at it the more it looks like a mig 29… glass panels are transparent yet this one connects straight into the fuselage, unlike the f15 which has a protruding cockpit

the nose is also duller than the f15



no, it’s Mig-29 and i think i found a reference


This a two seater the one in the pic is a single

like an with su-30 in left side two seat not painted

If so, shouldn’t you be able to see the rounded engine nacelles and nozzle in the graphic?