Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

smin said it’s a general plan not rule, still have chance


Smin also said Mods get little acess to the Dev’s infos

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Apex Predators came with three.

I inverted the discord logo’s colors, and cranked up the contrast.

No hidden messages… at least none I can see.

Ya’ll know any other tricks?

Of course he would say that


He denied nothing.

Well of course they aren’t ““officially”” confirmed.

But let’s be honest here, this is no coincidence…

Yeah they just had the three planes that are most expected to come in the art just cause they are cool and not that they are going to be in the game

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Well then they might as well add KGV whilst its relevant and move onto things like Nelson, G-3 and the Lions.

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Yeah. KGV, Warspite, R class as soon as possible. We need it. GB is currently with the USSR the only two nation didn’t receive TT battleship for more than year. This is insult to Royal Navy who has biggest number of super dreadnought and fast battleships.


For sure definitely the Warspite and R class they shouldve been added before the Bayerns or in the updates around them.

I still think KGV will be broken but who knows, if it isn’t then its fine and if it is then Britain might as well get something a little broken for a while.

I said this last time but I’m not sure if anyone seen it but I think we could solve the whole 11.3s and 11.7s being dumstered by 12.3s really easily by doing what gaijin did back in the day for 9.7. Where they implement a hard barrier that stops anything being up brd past 11.7 so things like Mig23s, mirage F1s and Tornados dont have to fight Mig29s and F16s

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I was able to get the decal with highest quality, its 100% su27 f15 and grippen


Grippen it cut out on this one

I was right that is deffo an Su-30

Shhh don’t ruin the surprise

it hard to tell with them only being silhouettes making them lack detail

not quite, glass ratio isnt the same

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Who can possible think that gaijin would add a Su-30 before the Su-27? xd

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