The developers are to blame for introducing such shit, which is worse than some kind of 2A6HEL. There were better versions. There were upgrades (2A6A3 in termal vision Gen 3 Attica).
SAAB JAS 39 Gripen C hidden in new trailer
I guess gaijin drop next devblog in next week, maybe monday or tuesday
Is there anything special about rank VIII GF? What will differ them from the current “tops”?
Tornado Premium I assume will go to Italy
Tiger E I have no clue, could that be the Spanish heli? in that case it’ll go to France
Chally 2 xxx means the one who said this is not sure to me, so chance is still here.
(This person who leaks mistook da vinci into littorio, and misspelled the Novorossisky into Rossisky)
If the Gripen is coming (it is) theres a very high change (90%) that ARHs are coming as well and if ARHs are coming, the 29SMT and 16C will be getting them
what am I seeing here? your personal Leo?
Why would it go to Italy for all purposes they have every tornado they ever used.
can’t wait to wait another major for F4F ICE
its the Hungarian Tiger 1E
no, they don’t have the very early one and they need a premium more than Germany
There are plenty of premiums on each rank, so how is that related?
Tiger E as in the WW2 Heavy Tank
Nado IDS prem might not happen
i pray they dont because that will just instantly out shine anything anyone else gets
Nope, there are still plenty of modifications to add.
why not? if it’s a very early one it may not get Guided bombs and then it surely isn’t top tier
Sorry but it’s photoshopped.
Unless its a Saudi one then the UK