Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Except if Gaijin decided to give IRIS-T for F-4F ICE, that brick can dogfigth with gen 4 (as long that plane still have missile) 🥴

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Yea, that wont happen no matter how much you (we) wish



Israel… Let’s be real there is (almost)nothing they can do that won’t end badly.

China I always feel they are covered by being both China’s. PRC(mainland) and ROC(Taiwan)

Yeah, it would be kinda sad to see the K2 panther first end up in late game Poland sub-tree or somehow Norwegian sub-tree just because Gaijin didn’t find a convenient tree to fit Korea into.

I find it kinda annoying when people argue “sub-tree cant go into X because of geopol” When we know they have had zero fucks about that in the past. And if that is the tree that needs vehicles atm so why not?

yeah as if they would do that lolxD

Oh no, your summoning was wrongfully sent to another department. Here’s another magach.


Turkey for Israel and Pakistan for China.

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Another Magach, Japanese twin engine fighter or mid tier British MBT


Yea, that wont happen. They will not give a free kills, no matter who much of a brick a thing is

That is why Russia should never receive sub-tt or vehicles from other nations. Even if they are event vehicles. Because they dont need it at all.

Chile is a fair option, Chile and Israel have more often than not worked together.

Hell Even Czechoslovakia would work there as we help and armed Israel from the start. Be it with rifles or with S-199

Russia is a Sub-tree/Sub-vehicles. They are under the Soviet tree.

In the mean time Italy with freccia and KF41

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There is no sub tree within the Soviet trees.

Yeah, But Czechoslovakia isnt USSR. It was part of Warsaw pact.

problem is , it is not the russian tech tree but the USSR one, basicaly it is already a bunch of combined tech trees and has vehicles from multiple nations already

And centauro and VBC, we have totally similar (add the “i” after the VBC name and you have the French variant after light relooking) capable vehicle to come still…

So what I’m hearing is you want Iranian Vehicles in the Russian TT?
Iranian F-14s, F1s, F-4, F-5s, Chieftains and M60s in Russian TT when