Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

because they never had the apache either, it is imaginative

It was tested but okay.

Yeah, agree with that. Sadly i see Korea as most as sub-TT size. Personally

ok fair didnt know that, but then still same situation as the other stuff

South or North Korea? They both have some unique vehicles later on?

or both cause that would be funny and kind of cool tbh

if i get GE refund and get a other either Finnish or Norwegians vehicles instead of them.

Not entitled btw!

If we are talk independent it would need to be a combined tree.

well would be no different then the china tree

Well they do, on some vehicles. But also they shouldn’t have a speed cut-off at all. They should have a rate cut-off where the stabilizing system cant keep up.

There is also the navy tech of timing the firing of guns when the gun is on target, which is a thing in some tanks aswell.

Currently they have a very arcady way to stabilize guns that allow for exploiting it for way higher traverse and elevate rates than the vehicle should allow

I wouldnt mind seeing Poland in game as it is nation where Czechoslovakian vehicle could go in and be even part of as massive sub-TT. Filling each other gaps. Where Czechoslovakia would carry low tiers and Poland top tier.


Wut? (What?)

wut also means anger in german

Perhaps on ww2 vehicle like Sherman but afaik not on cold war ones.

Wir haben viel Wut.

The more you know.

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Both would have some of the most interesting high tier vehicles of any nation that doesn’t yet have an independent tree.
Together they could form a very interesting tree.

he said, that we have much anger

and yes, definetly ;)

Yeah, Korea do be major sub-tree territory where to mid- and especially high tiers they make a lot of contributions.

Add them wherever tbh. Be it with Poland, France, Japan, or some other tree combination. Heck, add them to Britain for funsies.

It really doesn’t matter where it goes as long as it makes for a good experience. And by that i mean minimize DDoS. Too large of a vehicle set to be left untouched

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we dont even have that, we are just very easy to be manipulated.
Remember both world wars was the fault of austrians

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exactly why sub trees should be more of a thing, like that gajin can concentrate on adding the unique arrivals and can leave the copy paste vehicles alone