Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah, and i wouldnt mind that at all. Especialy for air and helicopter. Hell, even Navy could have been added. For ground, there are still BRs that need filling. but not high tiers…i dont have enough GE to buy more crew spots. Already have 8 there and playing high tier vehicle with lvl 5 crew is not fun at all

Well I’m going to be honest, unless gaijin gives Germany something like a Swiss F/A-18 or make some excuse on giving Germany another Gen 4 aircraft they didnt operate (ala F-16AJ), historically they can only get the F-4F ICE or Typhoon. That’s it, their 29s don’t even have 27EA or 77 capability

Calm down, look the time France waited the Navy, and what a scrumb we got x)

So we can still see possibility of Poland + Czechoslovakia TT. But now depending which one them would be the main one in TT. As both made lots of things…but i would probably say Czechoslovakia would be the main thing…which would be funny as top tier ground would be mostly Poland XD

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Hopium that there is a devblog today

If we have a dovleg this week it would be Friday, and even there the chances are really low.

(nvm we are Friday, i need to wake up xD)

Still funny how Italy got Navy sooner then France XD XD XD

Italy got added before France at all.

France did have ground and helicopters before Italy tho

Or the Glorious Russia navy x))

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Or how germany got the AMX-13-105 before France essentially
Which they still dont have


With a fake top tier ship which only sceleton of the hull was ever build


If only the ships where balanced correctly.
The Dupleix would loose any fight against a prinz eugen

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well options would be there


A pre order blog…

Most likely a vehicle but dose anyone think it might be the pack for a new independent tree for the spring update?

Naval war thunder players are also a myth.
So why would the ships not be a myth aswell ?

Hey! I play coastal.

Please be Czechoslovakia or Poland. Either of them could go into each other TT as sub-TT and no need to put their and our beautiful vehicles into a greedy Russia TT.

we had that debate yesterday, gajin never said they will give france the amx-13-105

Upon writing Smin about the status of the matter, because i cant stand french community holding the matter before us every damn single time and it already being 2 years old, the sad only answer was

They do say that France have domestic vehicle using that turret that France can and will receive. And still nothing for now.

And wonder what was the German gap at 7.3, it was already an heavier lineup than the 7.3 France x)

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cant comment on that, wasnt playing at the time and dont know if that was the initial br they were added at either, besides that arguably france has the strongest line up of all countries around that br