i doubt there will be so idk
That will never happen they can’t go and turn off the money printer
right now, yes, but you could wait a week or two and see if something else drops.
money printing is illegal :troll: (remove usa)
Is only legal when the US does it* /j
“bUT YoU oNLy usE oNe PlaNE iN ArB”
In the latest updates (this week or the previous one) there were some changes/corrections in the A-4N. Furthermore, the A-4M is one of the few vehicles that we have not seen yet, from the last credible list of leaks that we had (where Glamorgan was also, if my memory serves correctly).
Not going to happen. In an ideal world the US and Russia get nothing this update.
But Gaijin is a business, so they will continue to add vehicles for these 2. In particular in december updates.
Especially now when there isn’t a new nation they can suck on.
Many people seems to forget that
If the A4M comes, I wouldn’t be disappointed. Bring on more Skyhawks.
ukranian tech sub tree…
literally everything
I feel like Gaijin should take a whole year to focus 1 patch per month (or two) on doing as much QOL catch-up as possible for every minor nation. Should take a little less than a year, and they could still sprinkle stuff in from time to time as they usually do.
Plus the last patch could be like a huge US vs USSR/RuF patch where they deploy a bunch of that content to keep everyone interested.
QOL? whats that stand for
Quality of Life (QOL)
ah, alr
that is a great idea and all but i dont think it will really work, some minor nations have gaps that cant be really filled till the other nations get to a certain point ( Germany Britain and Italy not being able to get any good jets with AMRAAMs till the EFT )
Yeah tornado with AMRAAMS versus F15 with AMRAAMS will not be nice
I want to see these new planes in the game, at some point. But I’m still hoping these leaks are bunch of crap. Ground needs to catch up first.