Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Maybe finally rework of reactive armor?)


Era/Kontack-1 will no longet stop APFSDS? That would be nice.


Yes but people will buy premiums to speed up the grind for the new content - we’ve all seen the “You can speed up research of this vehicle with ….”

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We need at least 13.3 BR for the new jets

Doubt that.

R&r be poppin.

12.7 more than enough
We need to decompress ground BRs(pantsir on 12.7, bvm on 12.0-12.3, sep 12.0-12.3 etc)

Personly id like to see more IFV’s for sweeden, just not the in the same br and once that isnt a slight uppgrade to the previus one, i never said Brittian couldnt get it, i basicaly stated that it may not be taken well and brittian has Domestic Ifv’s they can get instead

Sweden is full of ifvs
Strf, strv, cv

ÿeah, tho the problem i see with them is they are 90% at the same br, and 4 of them are a 99% copy of eatch other (I am counting the LVKV in that one)

B… but what other IFVs could Sweden, of all nations, possibly get?

They already got CV9030FIN, Strf9040B, Strf9040C, Strf9040BILL, Lvkv 9040C…

Sweden has got more IFVs than France, Israel, Germany and U.K together!


There is no chances to get something higher i think
Mostly it even cant be existing

One option

If leaked AMRAAMs are real thats pretty much a new game mechanic since most of nations will get fire and forget BVR(in theory)

So if that is right we will no longer need to fly 8min to the middle of map and just get shot down in 2min by amraams

Only if you have a really huge skill issue

That may be true, i could see that we could possebly get the MK.4 or MK.5 Cv90 (The once we have atm are MK.0’s and one MK.2), tho i know due to finland some wheeled ifv’s may be possible tho most of them are Patria’s

Like said above, there are mostly uppgrades but can fish something out from finland possebly

btw the Patria AMV CT40 Export Turret is a nearly fully British development, no way in hell it would go to Sweden as they have legit nothing to do with it neither did finnland other then making the hull but if that were the case then all centurion variants shouldn’t be in Israel …

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i was saying for UK my bad
