Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Part 3 will not be that hard to get to right ?
We already managed that last time I think.
Part 4 is the true goal !

Nah, there is no alex to help us get 5000 messages in a day

why would britain get a top tier IFV?
And wich one could the even get?
They still have Warriors in Service.

why stop there part 5 here we come!

Wipe is on Thursday

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Ajax a more modern warrior the CTAS Bradley prototype

Nice motivition. We only need some discussion topics

The Ajax looks like a cooler lynx
Would still be a big br Jump in my opinion

anyway, blog in 2h?

low chance, but never zero. At least that is, what smin said over the last few hours


If the additions are good and controversial enough part 3 won’t be a problem at all.

we got to Part 3 before, we’ll have to reach part 4

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We will pull it off. If not, I will never play the Type 60 ATM.

Is this devblob stats by day of the week?

The day dovbleg season starts on.

I hope it starts today

I also would not trust any japanese ATM

Those automatic teller machines are up to something, I’m telling you.

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Helo Smin