Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Here’s the version with a Lockheed Martin UK turret, the same as the one in the Warrior 2. Has access to two Javelins.



Never used them. RB74 are 9L

I know but wouldn’t really be top tier with just the 9ls

Did it use AIM-9L or AIM-9L(i)?

Javelins are a long way i believe:(

How’s a jav that much more sophisticated than a SPIKE?

I thin just 9l
Even if 9l(i) i doubt they would add it to the game

Ask gajin

That is the plane with the ahistorical load out I was talking about.

What makes it better than Spikes?

It is as real as t-14

No clue i doubt they will add them soon

just got reminded of last man standing, removed because it was deemed overpowered, gone but never really left, hopefully we can see it again one day

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Why do you think that then, if you don’t even know if they are better/how much better

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Cause they are used by the British and we can have nothing nice

Anyone can use clipart, we don’t know the intentions of the designer, just what some gaijin rando said in a discord. Not debunked, sorry dude. We will need something more official than that.


14 Meteor + 2 IRIS-T + hanging tank


The copium continues

I think it would be fun if they added that back. Hell If planes/heli can still fire and drop bombs when they are dead, why not to have that thing.

While Spikes were added to a wide range of vehicles, Javelins remained, for the most part, just infantry-serviced weapons. At best some would put a single missile on an RCWS on an arms show for vehicles that don’t have integral ATGM capability. But nothing substantial that’s WT-worthy.