Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I do wonder how powerful that 28 pounder is. Never really seen any table for it.

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Ok, I forgot that the Sturm tiger event was announced on the 8th. Still a bit weird that the event isn’t mentioned and it’s really tied to other anniversary stuff in any way. I guess we wait and see.

:( i don’t want to fly as a brick

Hey Smin, are there any plans for a Japanese TT plane?
We haven’t gotten a TT plane in a while now, the only one added in the recent 2 years is the F-16AJ.

im betting the f15j

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Yeah, i think so too, but i hope we get some more stuff then a F-15 that gets added a year after the US F-15.

where is the new night battle toggle and rewards?

I can’t see the. on xbox!
Can anyone post screenshots of the rewards if they can see them?

dont bother lol, it is missing on pc as well

no the Unexpected

the superior


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You know, I really hope they add wing fuel tanks for the phantoms otherwise the f4f ice wont be able to use a drop tank and carry aim120.

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So it is 99% confirmed that gripen will Arive in the Desember Uppdate?

I not seen any news about it being delayed so I guess it’s still coming

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Why? Was it impossible to carry AIM-120 and centerline drop tank at the same time?

pretty much yeah

Anyone know what’s the use of this section?


supposed to be a reward that people with forum rank regular and above can chill and talk, but its totally dead, no point using it when we have the R+R and the off topic discussion

I mean it would make sense if the Tank got in the way of the AMRAAMs when they drop

either way I think the Wing fuel tanks would be much cooler to look at

hard to reaxh rank after all

AIM-120 “drops” from AIM-7 slots, the same way AIM-7 does. Why would it be in the way?

just give up your life and only use the forum, to be honest i don’t even know how i got there, it kinda just happened

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