Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Nope, if any BVRAAM gets added in december china will automatically also get the PL-12 on their J-8F based on how the "“unclarification” is worded

Or not explode, or lead way too much, or go straight into the ground. The usual tea-fuelled missile business

depends on how PL12 are expected to perform

and I honestly have no Idea about them

They are supposedly compareable to the AIM-120 and R-77, that’s all I know

yea but like what version?

AiM-120A or AiM-120D? R-77 or R-77M?

Some US institute estimated them to be between 120B and 120C-5, which I feel is quite the broad statement. Can’t find any comparison to specific R-77 versions

well if you don’t know the Missle then such a Broad statement is justified

Yea, it was just everyone kept assuming that everyone will get them at the same time which then meant everyone had to get Fox 3 capable aircraft at the same time, which seemed asking for too much out of a single update.

Glad it was mentioned before people got their hopes too high for the update and then blame Gaijin for hyping them up too much when people did that to themselves lol.

Well we know Britian/Sweden are getting something so it would be on top of that. They could go the route of giving major nations more ground stuff while minor nations get stuff for air. Perhaps just the Su-27 gets added just for Fox 3 capability while F-16C gets their fox 3s (I don’t know if Mig-29s can use fox 3s)?

The MiG-29SMT can use R-77s, and the only Su-27s that can use R-77s are post-modernisation ones, and I very much doubt they’ll jump straight to them.

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I believe the MiG-29SMT is currently using R-77


It has the required radar at least, so it would be compatible

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Oh god, I am already dreading the december update turning out to be gaijin adding BVRAAMs to 11.7-12.3 jets without even adjusting BRs

J-8F with PL-12s, MiG-29SMT with R-77s, F-16C (+italian ADF or worse, the AV-8B+) Gripen C, Barak II (if Israel is lucky) and maybe that new british jet with AIM-120As
Germany, Japan and France just being left out, coz screw them I guess

That still means 5/10 trees get a new top tier jet. I fail to see how that’s a bad thing. 7/10 when you factor in UK getting something and SWE getting Gripen unless delayed. 2 others have options that they could get and be competitive in the interim and the last is waiting for the Euro-canards which will benefit the other 5/10 that don’t get F-15/Su-27.

how many times i need to say that the Barak II could not carry Aim-120s, israel needs a new platform for that.

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It means 2/10 trees get a new top tier jet, but okay.

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F-15 → US, Israel, Japan
Su-27 → USSR, China

Yes 2=5


Neither of those are confirmed.

Where did I ever say they were confirmed? I was replying to someone saying F-15 and Su-27 were likely and they were implying that was a bad thing.

The only vehicles I’ve said were ‘confirmed’ were swedish Gripen unless delayed and UK “something”

I misread what you said.