Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Ahh I thought he said fighter, regardless his response may be informative.

Edit: You’re right top tier ‘aircraft’

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Yeah, though I doubt they’ll even start dropping hints about it until a few days before its officially announced, Promising a nation a new vehicle so far in advanced is a rare event for Gaijin and past history has proven that things get delayed last minute.

But it would not be unlike Gaijin just to give Britain something like the Tornado Gr4 with watered-down Brimstones at 12.3/7 as our new “top tier”


Its too soon to be confirming any details on the contents of the next major. We have only just had a major today :)


That’s more than fair, thanks for responding.

got to wait a month

fine by me

Well, I don’t know how you would make carriers just being carriers fun gameplay wise, but having them be remote control stations for fighter swarms seems kinda out of place to me.

I’ll just wait and see what gaijin has planned for naval, I don’t play it much anyways. I’ve got plenty of questions going through my mind when thinking about playable carriers, but those shall be questions that gaijin is gonna be answering when the time comes.

Just me rambling, no need to answer

Do you run out of aircraft at some point? What happens then?
Do you control more than one aircraft at a time? If so, do you just point the squadrons at targets while sitting at the edge of the map? Doesn’t naval just turn into a RTS for the carrier players then?
Would the amount of carriers per team be limited? If not, how would you go about making people use other ship classes?
Would carriers even be useable on all maps?
Wouldn’t carriers enable even more botting than regular ships?
What eras would carriers be available to? Do all Bluewater nations have fitting carriers?

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Carriers would be a coding nightmare I reckon

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Why the Gripen D when we can have the C which is simply much much better? The whole ETPS thing doesn’t make sense for me since that gripen still has swedish markings on it, and is just easier to give us SA Gripen since we already have the SA subTT.

Hope to see some WWII fighters in the next update and maybe some fun agressor vehicles (a Bradley in BMP cosplay).

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Britain cannot have the C, and there is no South African air sub tree. Also, it is slightly better, not much, much better.

I mean we have a SAAF helicopter even though we don’t have a sub tree.

But the RAF does have a Gripen D which is like the Israeli F-16C but with it’s armament taken out.
As the D is meant to be used to train pilots for the C variant.

So yea the D is just a C with an extra seat an no armament


The Yak-141 has many things that it didn’t have in real life, so there’s nothing saying a JAS39D can’t be added with armament to Britain, and the Rooivalk should have been added to France due to being developed from a French helicopter.

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No it shouldn’t be added to france as post SA announcement states all SA will go to Britain


It doesn’t matter, SA subTT is on the British TT, the Rooivalk is proof that a vehicle doesn’t have to be related to Britain at all to be added there, just like many things on the Finnish subTT for example. Imo the gripen C makes much more sense than a leased, unarmed, gripen used for training that still has swedish markings on it.

Indeed SA is a Sub tree after all. Notice the tree part of that as in tech tree.

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Mhm that like saying Italy will have a Hungarian air tree but only one aircraft as the rest will go to other countries which then whats the point in a sub tree


Its still owned by the RAF so its ours

Why doesn’t it have RAF marks then? Genuine question

Plus most loadouts are a historical anyway so the RAF Gripen D should come.

Also the french F-6 Mustang has an amarican skin.

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Ask them :P