Next Day connection issues - AGAIN

Yesterday I was kicked out of two matches and on a third was destroyed when conncection was lost. My first battle today, ground arcade, Normandy, NA server, I lost control of my tank and was placed in an exposed position that led to its destruction.
Server maintenance team, or however you call it, PLEASE have a look at this and fix this. Thanks.

Sounds more like a ISP issue tbh

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Yep, or a Wifi based problem that just happens randomly.

Another is traffic through the connection can make trouble as well. Steam on another PC updating a game can cause trouble, or a windows update, or an email being sent.

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Used a cable for two years, never had any internet issues in WT.
Before i had random issues

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The internet works in mysterious ways, but the real thing is to know your setup, and how to fix things faster than going down the assumption and dead-end trap.

Both of you have given me food for thought. There’s been a recent change in my house concerning wifi usage although this change has been in effect for over a week before the crashes started yesterday. Time for some research.

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