New wiki UI lacks a search function?

Am I missing something or does the new wiki completely lack a search function? It makes it much more awkward to navigate and it’s almost impossible to find some information without it. Very bad change if it is intended.


There is one.

So for f16 i would click on aircraft, then a search bar will pop up. Same will go for ground/ships.


That is for vehicles, but what about weaponry or game mechanics?

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So for those, There’s not a search option what i can see, only this.

For weaponry you can use above option or just search the vehicle then see the listed armaments. Hover or click over certain ones for more detail.

You can also message a wiki team member to suggest the function if it didn’t port over to this new version. I’m sure they’d have no problem with making it more user friendly.

Currently there is only the vehicle search function as shown above - a more general, site-wide search is in the works but not currently available


There is no general search function. What to do if you dont know what IRCCM is ??
No way to search. Only in old wiki. And there are a lot of things you want to know when you get longer into the game.

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This “new and improved” Wiki is worthless to me. I need a SEARCH FUNCTION so I can find the proper definition of, say, battle awards (intelligence vs. according to intelligence, etc) so I can properly (some would say smartly) use my vehicles. I don’t always remember stuff so I always refer to the game manual. Since Gaijin changed the game manual (Wiki) it’s no longer of use to me, and others as seen on this thread.

The new wiki is a massive downgrade

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I found another problem. The new wiki has every update listed, but it doesn’t have their release dates.
Really a half-hearted product.

it does for me.

Also wiki now has a overall search function

Ok, I’m dumb, how do you even get to that page? Other than a direct link that you gave me ofc.

For example I’m on a vehicles page and I want to see when it was released. The wiki links the name of the update and when you click it you see the list of the vehicles, but not the release date.

So to see the release date you have to find your update on the list of all updates, which I still don’t know how to find? Is there not a simpler way?

Also it’s worth noting that the wiki has 3 things in the navigation box, General Information (which doesn’t exist), Vehicle list (bare minimum) and Article Feed (which is absolutely useless and only serves to annoy me).

I think you’ll agree that the design is a total miss in this regard… Plus you can’t even find that with the search bar.

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