Positive points:
The wiki is more dynamic and has a richer layout
The table of relevant points for players in vehicles is an excellent addition
Not to mention the comparison and search tools.
Negative points:
It lost the ‘how to use in battle’ and the pros and cons, something that is really subjective, but in any case it adds an important optional character for all vehicles, the players who dedicated themselves to writing these sections had some experience with the vehicle and found it so important that they wanted to pass it on to new players.
It could have a tips tab.
Another problem with a wiki:
- I want to research new SPAA and check its missiles:

This info miss such informations like range, proxy fuse or max g pull.
- I want to check what AAM are available in a plane:

Again, it’s rear or all aspect?
What is max pull for this missile?
What is its lock range?
Can I slave it to radar?
The biggest issue here is that I can’t click and move to detailed information about these missiles.
It lost the ‘how to use in battle’ and the pros and cons, something that is really subjective, but in any case it adds an important optional character for all vehicles, the players who dedicated themselves to writing these sections had some experience with the vehicle and found it so important that they wanted to pass it on to new players.
This content will now be placed in player-created articles hosted under the respective vehicle. Prospective writers can now go to editor, tag their article with the vehicle or collection of choice, and write away with their perspective on how the vehicle is to be used in battles and its pros and cons.
Thanks for pointing this out. We’ll forward it to the developers to see if the information can be implemented.
First off, great work guys - I’m sure this wasn’t easy to do. The new layout will save me tons of writing time and is great for porting over old articles. I’ve already started on my own.
However, what do I do if I just have a few sentences - or even just a single video with no text? I don’t have a perspective on every single aspect of each vehicle I want to cover and don’t want to lead anyone astray. Am I supposed to create entire articles for this minimal info or just to post a relevant video?
On the old wiki there is an encyclopedia of information that hasn’t been ported since the new format no longer has these sections, and we don’t know the longevity of this information since we don’t know if or when the old wiki will go offline.
I see, so all we need to do is write the article and then reference the relevant outlets. Since we still have access to the old wiki, I’m collecting some texts that I put there, to start republishing…
But I still feel that there may be some complication in the pros and cons. Well, who is going to read several texts from the same publication to find out the pros and cons? In my mind, it would be interesting to leave it in a single topic, within the article of the of the vehicle itself
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@Inceptor57 API’s still work on new wiki? I mean, the old wiki had a Mediawiki API that I used to get some results.
I wanna add one problem that i think its important. In aircraft section, flap speed limits don’t show seperately. For example i wanna check f5c’s. Wiki says limit is 555 kmh but for wich one?