New USN Coastal Ships

The USN coastal tree has been horribly stale. There is a generation of coastal ships totally ignored and much needed along with naval BR decompression: The Littoral Combat Ship - Freedom Class

[Freedom-class littoral combat ship - Wikipedia](Freedom-class littoral combat ship - Wikipedia)

Would you like to see this ship in a decompressed tree?

  • Yes, add the Littoral class
  • No, don’t
0 voters
  • Yes, decompress both naval and coastal trees to 8.0
  • No, leave it as is
0 voters

I feel like all more modern ships should come at the same time (crossing my fingers for Swedish naval) I want my visby class

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It would be pretty cool to see however I’m curious about the weaponry it can carry. I’m not sure how mission modules so I’m most likely wrong on this. On the wiki it says that the SUW module will have 24 hellfires (L), some decent bushmaster cannons along with that 57mm gun and 21 SAM missiles.

I feel like as a coastal ship, it would be to overpowered or at least with the ships that we have right now. Maybe if it had just cannons, I can see it being in the game.

I used to play WTM a lot and ever since the introduction of anti-ship missiles, naval is terrible. Yes you had “smoke” which can conceal you from the missiles but that was the only deffence. This is ignoring the fact that WTM naval ships had a hp system, hp regen, repair, extinguisher consumables and arcadey maneuverability. So gameplay was a lot more forgiving. Also late BBs had to face these type of ships and they were just defenseless.

I can’t imagine how this would be implemented without having WOW mechanics.

Well such displacement it would be destroyer spawn… and become useless again.

I only voted no on the first one because there are ships that should be added before this would be and that would take a few years to get them all released at least, also voted no on decompression because at higher tiers its actually somewhat reasonable since it lines up with somewhat time correct aircraft