Hello, I have only just properly started playing Warthunder about a week ago after taking a break from WoT. I usually only play for about 2-3 hours per day divided between some Air AB and Ground AB.
Currently Im rank 1 in both but my goal is to get a Leopard 1 and Ferdinand in the german tank line and reach F4E and F14A in the american aviation line.
My question mainly is that am I doing something wrong by deciding to progress essentially 4 lines (2 tanks 2 planes) at once? Would it be better if I focused on purely tanks or planes? I dont understand the economy that well in this game but I do sense that this game promotes more horizontal progression than vertical as you have to bring multiple tanks/planes into a match.
To unlock the next Rank of vehicles you require a certain amount of vehicles from the previous rank (usually 5), this often requires you to down at least 2 columns of a tech tree.
The answer depends on a lot of factors and I’m not fully sure what the question is. In general, Aircraft is probably the easier/quicker grind overall, but the Leopard I and Ferdinand are much easier to get than an F-14A.
One-and-done lineups are an option, but I find building a line-up and playing that to be more fun. I wouldn’t worry too much about the economy starting out, as you’re playing there’s quite a few Challenges (kills/fully researching vehicles etc.) ticking over in the background that reward you Silver Lions to keep you going through the tech tree.
Imho you receive the best results if you see the progress in a tech tree as a positive side effect of playing the game with fun and success. Success comes with the requirement to show willingness to learn how the game works, what game mechanics might influence the match result and a profund knowledge about maps, tactics & strategies and strengths and weaknesses of own and hostile vehicles.
In other words: No pain, no gain. In an ideal scenario you leave the pain area at rank II as a steady progress (and the ability to learn and adapt) transforms you from a liability to an asset of your team.
Speed grinding kills very often the fun as wt is no rocket science and the grind to rank III & IV is rather easy - an experienced player grinds a new tech tree up rank III in a few hours. But without knowing how to play you won’t have fun with your desired vehicles - the guys performing brainless base bombing in Air RB are in most cases helpless when it comes to fight enemy aircraft.
I recommend to go to yt - there are a lot of helpful vids regarding the things you should know about the game. When you get better you usually run into an RP problem whilst you have not longer a SL problem - and despite getting bonus RP with spading bought vehicles: A hell of vehicles are crap, there is no need to waste sweat, blood and tears to touch them after buying them.
Regarding research 4 TTs - imho a personal preference. From a holistic pov it makes more sense to grind your German goals first in order to benefit from the experience you gained there which should make your grind easier for your US goals as you play on the same maps and have to deal with enemies you know better because you played them.
This is btw also the main reason why players outside the big 3 perform on average way better than big 3 players - these minor nations are usually played after those players have played the big 3 and are able to use the experience they gained there.
You can easily research 4 tech trees at once. Rank I up to Rank III is fast to progress, but once you reach rank IV and rank V it becomes harder. At rank V in particular, a single upgrade for your tank will cost 12,000 Silver Lions, and the amount of research points required is insane - even a premium account wouldn’t get me the result that I want. I just play for fun, and I level up without thinking too much.
Rank I, II and III, very easy to progress. If you get a 15% booster for 10 battles, or a 10% booster for 20 battles, even better. As a new player you can get easy points just from shooting at enemies, even if you don’t destroy them.
From my perspective, a veteran that playes better then most… if you like the game for what it is and you want to have an efficient grind while also doing good and having fun, then the best u can do is to play all Nations at the same time, Takes forever to get higher battle ratings but gives you also the knowledge how your potential enemy tanks/planes work. And that is by far the most valuable.
While that said, in best case u go also with the mindset of playing only BRs of a nation that are able to be “fullbuild” means u should always stick to BRs where u have good and more then one or two vehicles. Stick to BRs where u have full lineups, spade them asap and play them as long as you have fun with it. You can research +1 rank (not br) with any tank without penalty. U get more fun and RP with spaded tanks, instandly switching to the new freshly researched one will make u an easy pray for your enemys.
Play only Full lineup BRs
Don´t switch to the newest toy when u have no lineup
Play as many nations as possible at the same time.
Dont buy premiums on BRs u cant handle as long as you don´t have backup tickets and researchable tanks/planes of that BR.
Never do one spawn leave methods in GRB, or ill find and haunt u.
In the end, its a Team PvP game, do whatever u think will help your team the most. I guess that sentence summs it up.
edit* also some nations suffer in some brs, so playing more then one nation will ulitmately make u aware of that and reduce your frustration, a very well example is USA top tier, they usually get kicked ass no matter how good you play. In case u wonder, theres statistics about it, so whenever u think a specific nation sucks on a br, u can check if its a general issue: https://wt.controlnet.space/
Since you are playing Arcade Mode, I’d suggest filling up all your available crews. This way you can earn more research points per match. Some may argue that playing just a couple planes/tanks per match is enough. My take on that is, you’re screwing over your own team by playing only two vehicles then, what some may call, bailing.
Try playing a bunch of different vehicles my friend. It’s not the destination (Leopard 1 & Ferdy), but the journey there that is worth remembering and enjoying.
No need to purchase any new crews unless you want to.
I was only suggesting filling the crews you already have so that you get more bang for your buck.
If you only play two crews and then quit the match, that may leave your team in a clinch.