New player - first premium vehicle questions

Recommend buying a top tier since it will grind until rank 8 (Leopard 2A4M or Leopard Pzbtl 123), I would recommend the sale but the Leopard 2A4M will not be on sale because it came the last update)
Have fun

Again, comparing to WOT. The crews in WOT are Everything. Differences between 1-skill crew and 6-9 skills crews are diabolic in WOT.
Id assume, I need good crews (which level is good enough here, btw ?) to enter RB first ?

Good crews are important but it’s easier to get crew points in RB

Im a refugee from WoT too. If its not russian its armour isn’t as strong as it should be and all NATO tanks pen is nerfed to keeps soviet tanks relevant.

The only OP premiums are the russian 2s38, German turm 3, French yak-3 and Japanese Type 90 (b) “Fuji” avoid them and you will do ok

tiers don’t work like in WoT you cant see a BR 8.0 in a BR 6.0 tank, only one BR above or below you is the limit

while learning the basics of the game stay around 3.7 as you’re playing germany, the pz4 long guns are really damn powerful. Weakspots and armour angles are a lot more important here too, you will learn tank recognition and remember weakpoints and armour geometry with time.

Learn to angle your Tiger 1. you go from everyone able to pen you easily to only the British able to pen you easily. the tiger is also fast as hell so take advantage of that mobility

Trial by fire rules in my opinion.

  1. No tier till you understand game ,how it works ,what you should or shouldn’t do.
    2.For SL income buy premium not tank ,you will outgrow any tank.
    3.Don’t buy anything (apart from premium) until you reach rank 4


I noticed there are some “monthly” free premium vehicles on very high tiers.
Now it was F-14 iraqi, Soon it will be tier 6 british ship.
Im assuming these are end-game things, and I can forget about them for next couple of months…

Those are event vehicles, not premiums. They come from an event that happens somewhat frequently, and you can grind them if you have any vehicles above rank 3.

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Depends if you feel the need - there’s no actual requirement to do so at all, and plenty of people enjoy AB without bothering.

For Premium Vehicles

The Neubaufahrzeug kann be fun

Panzer Befehlswagen Vier J

T-34 747 (r)
[T 34 747 (r) (Germany) - War Thunder Wiki](T 34 747 (r) (Germany) - War Thunder Wiki

▀Pz.Kpfw. KW I C 756 (r)



But I suggest you bring more than one vehicle to the Match.

You should totally wait before getting a premium tank, but if you’re going for the tops. If you don’t wanna reach for Leo2A7 and all, then I would recommend you to buy T-34 or even Brummbar, which ia extremely fun to play, though you would really want to wait for the anniversary sales. In the meantime you can learn to play RB, as many have said already, inspect weakspots of enemy tanks and analyze maps.

If you really want to reserch top tier, which is one of the best of all nations, then I would really recommend you the TAM 2IP. Its 9k GE, but on the sale it would cost around 5k. This tank is extremely versatile, mobile, has good rounds and despite having thin armor, still is being able to somehow ricochet or simply blocking the APFSDS at times.

Anyways, good luck playing the game - you will definitely need it :) The game is really interesting, yet sometimes frustrating to the point you would want to “commit die”. Glhf!

Its your money do whatever, my advice is wait for sale then buy any rank you would like to try.
Also all premiums are not good in their ranks so they are all same (specialy one you can only buy with money) so remember that and premiums are only for quicker grind. Anyway hope you enjoy the game.


Thank you to all.
Ill wait with my first premium tank till November, as suggested.

And do not forget: with premium time, any vehicle of any rank and any nation will benefit from it (tanks, planes, ships) in every single match, irrespective if it’s a normal or premium vehicle.

If you play regularly (daily or only two sessions a week) it’s a no-brainer, especially if on sale (40 euro for one year).

So my advice would be this, as it is the most efficient way to boost your progression. And as time/matches pass, you will notice which vehicle you want, my it be for fun or for flling gaps in the line up)…

So long, R.G.

If anything MAYBE and I stress maybe, potentially but the Tiger II (H) Sla.16, or maybe since you are so new MAYBE something like the Churchill or the German T 34. But look, since you are so new you’re probably a low tier player with a low rank, either way, your going to get shit on for having a premium, but whatever you do DO NOT BUY TOP TIER!! You WILL suffer because your so low their and THEN and ONLY THEN, consider top tier at like Rank IV or Rank 4

  1. tiers 5-7
  2. something with a big gun, like 105 least
  3. play for at least 6 months

In my opinion, the best is the French Yak-3. Good SL modifier and teaches you air combat